chapter three (the news is out)

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THE fate sisters are still in hades castle and hades is piss off at them for not tell him everything about his daughter.

"Why did you not tell me about my daughter fate ". hades said. he is happy to know that he can see his daughter now.  

"If we told you about Bella fate. you would have try to stop her fate hades. the fate sister said. he is wonder what the Mikaelson fates is too. 

"What is the Mikaelson fate sister ". hades said. the fate sister looks at each other and they nod to each other that they need to tell him. 

"The Mikaelson will become the supernatural gods when we find their powers." the fate sisters said. hades is Suprise about this news because no one know where the supernatural gods power are. 

"How long will it take to find the gods powers sisters and when we turn the Mikaelson into the gods will that cancel the white oak ". hades said. the fate sisters will not tell him everything that will happen.

 "We can't tell you how long it will take to find the powers of the supernatural gods. but yes, the powers from the gods will cancel the white oak from the Mikaelson. " The fate sisters said. the fate sisters feel the soulmate bond be broking and they close their eyes to see who it is. they see it is Bella soulmate bond be broking from her husband, but they see that it can come back when Klaus do something. they open up their eyes and they look at hades. hades can see the fate sisters are piss off about something by the look on their faces and he is wondering what is going on before he could say anything to them. they teleportal out of the castle and that night the fate sisters had the dead witches curse Esther to feel every kill that her family do and every vampires too. 


THE elders call all of the shadow hunters into the elders' chamber to tell them the news. the elders walk into the chambers. 

"Brother and sisters, we have some bad news to tell you all that the underworld portal is open up again ". the head of the elders said. all the shadow hunters start to whisper because they can't believe this news. the elders know that hades will come for them all and the elders yell for everyone to be quit.  everyone stops talked and they look at the elders. 

"We do not know how the portal open up again, but we have our witches here to help us to find out how the portal open up ". the head of the elders said. the elders look at the witches and they hope the witches will have the answer for this problem.

 " We found out that Isabella baby did not die at birth, but we can find out how the baby open the portal ". the head of the witches said. the elders are piss off that old witches lie to them. 

"How can you find out how the portal open up again." the head of the elders said. the elders need to find a way to protect their self from hades. 

"WE can do a vision spell to see how the portal open up ". the head of the witches said. the witches hope this spell will work for them because they need the shadow hunters to protect them from death. 

" Well let do the spell witches ". the head of the elders said. they watch the witches get in a circle and they hear the witches start to chant in different language. the witches see in the vision that Isabella's daughter dying then the portal open up and the other dead witches tell them what Esther Mikaelson did to her family. the dead witches told them that they can't close the portal again because the portal is tie to Isabella's daughter. they come out of the vision, and they look towards the elders. they hope the elders do not be mad at them.

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