chapter two ( vampire race birth

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Esther Pov

Esther is grieving for her son Henrik, but she needs to this spell on her family because she needs to stop her family from having children's. she feels hand on her shoulder, and she turn her head around to see who is behind her. she sees it is her husband Mikael and she need to tell him something about the spell.

" There is another thing that we need for the spell Mikael ". Esther said. she hopes that Mikael is willing to do this last thing for the spell.

"What is this thing that we need for the spell wife." Mikael said. Mikael will do anything for this spell.

"We need to sacrifice a baby that is in Bella stomach for the spell." Esther said. she looks at Mikael face and she can see Mikael is okay killing a baby.

"I am okay to sacrifice our grandchildren." Mikael said. Esther hopes her family can forgive her after this spell, but the spell needs to happen because she can't let her children's have kids.

"You need to kill Bella after she drink the wine. she needs to be the first kill Mikael ". Esther said. she watches Mikael nod to her.

"Where is Bella sitting at ". Mikael said. Esther has a feel like something is going to happen after she do this spell. but she does not know what is going to happen.

" Bella is going sit next to you husband. we have to go now ". Esther said. Esther had to knock out Ayana because she knows Ayana would try to stop her from do the spell.

Bella Pov

Bella is looking down at her flat stomach because she just found out she is going have a baby. she feels arms come around her waist and she know it is her husband, Elijah.

"We need to leave for my parent hut wife. are we going to tell them about the baby." Elijah said. Bella do not want to tell the family about the baby just yet because it is too soon.

" We can wait to tell them later about the baby husband. let go now ". Bella said. they walk toward the hut door, and they do not know this is the last time that they will be humans.

(Elijah Pov )

Elijah wakes up first before anyone and he is trying to remember what happen to him because he feels like there is something different about him. he looks down at his shirt because he feels a wet spot on his shirt, and he see it is blood on his shirt then he remembers his father stabbing his wife in the stomach. he starts to look around the hut for his wife body and he see his wife body lay next to the table. he gets up from the floor to walk over to his wife body but then the hut door opens up. he looks toward the hut door to see who is coming in the hut and he see it is his mother.

"What did you do to us mother ". Elijah said. he sees his siblings are wake up now, but his wife is still not wake.

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