Chapter 11

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Author: ok I'm going to clear some things up that people in the comments aren't understanding for some god forsaken reason 1 azazal fixed toph's blindness through magic that was went over in one of the previous chapters and 2 ryo is bi it's going to be a harem of both boys and girls if you don't like it then keep your comments to yourself and read the book or just quit reading it.

Small time skip.

As I went out side I saw both Mizore and grey sparring her arms and hands looked like they was made of ice as grey had a sword in his hands as he got close to her he yelled.


She blocked his attack as she tried and failed to claw him with her ice claws he dodged that's when they both noticed me out there I saw grey was shirtless as he came over to me.

Grey: ok now that your here I want to see if you can just create ice all around yourself we've already put up a barrier around the property so in case it gets to intense it will stop it from escaping.

Ryo: how?

Grey: just imagine a field of ice all around you and put your magical power in to it.

I nodded as I then closed my eyes as I then started to imagine everything around me in ice as white as snow as I took a breath a released my magic just then I heard.

Grey: oh shi-

I felt a little light headed as I opened my eyes I saw that I used 75% of my magical power I then saw I froze everything we was now in a dome of ice 🧊 I then heard a bit of a rumble as I turned around I saw toph.

Toph: well it looks likes you used most of your magical power along with freezing both of them.

She as she pointed behind me I turned to see both of them frozen in ice as I then go over to grey and knocked on him as I then said as I looked up at him.

Ryo: woah sempai your so hard.

Toph: your a horny kitten you know that.

Ryo: *looks down* I'm sorry.

Just then I felt her pet my head I leaned in to her touch as we then heard.

*crack crack CRACK!*

Just then both of us saw both of them break out of the ice and I heard grey say.

Grey: are you going to keep doing that?

Mizore: *licks lips* such a naughty little boy~

I felt my face heat up as I went behind toph as she said.

Toph: so did he pass that test grey.

He looked around and said.

Grey: yeah he did.

I then heard toph say as she grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me back inside.

Toph: your almost out of magical power you need to rest.

Grey: (if he can do this now image a year from now male nekosho are supposed to be so powerful that they can warp the fabric of reality itself what I've seen here today is proof of that.)

As I was dragged to the living room I heard toph.

Toph: what are you going to do about school?

I tilted my head to the side and asked.

Ryo: what do you mean?

Toph: I mean when you go to school the devils run it I'll be going with you but I may not have the same classes as you.

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