Chapter 17

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As I painted slightly mereoleona landed in front of me as she then said.

Mereoleona: interesting you have great potential I think I'll like teaching you cub.

I got up as I heard toph from behind me.

Toph: this was your plan from the start wasn't it.

Azazal: *smirks* oh I don't know perhaps.

Astil codex: it definitely was when I was told there's a nekosho who may have a sacred gear I had to see him and it turns out your soul is the one I need in order to link us together.

I was actually curious so I asked.

Ryo: *curious* oh what kind of soul?

Astil codex: (cute/dense and oblivious just the way I like them.) oh it's nothing special.

Ryo: oh ok.

I then saw toph come over and look me over as I heard mereoleona.

Mereoleona: don't worry I held back.

I then looked up at her.

Ryo: that was holding back?!

Mereoleona: hahahaha you'll get use to it cub they did!

She says a she points at both gray and mizore as a shiver went up their spines.

Ryo: am I going to nearly die more then once.

Gray/mizore: definitely.

Ryo: *sighs* well I better get used to it then.

Mereoleona: good cause if you don't *serious* you may die.

Azazal: hahaha she's the best teacher we have anyone with potential gets trained by her they basically become a monster.

Ryo: oh I guess I would need to become a monster to make this world my bitch.

Azazal: *smirks* now that's the sprit.

Just then I heard a phone go off it was azazal's  he picked it up and I heard.

Azazal: I told you to call only if it was important.

After a few seconds his eyes widened slightly.

Azazal: wait one of my sacred gear projects is awakening you believe!?

Mereoleona: oh that sounds interesting.

Azazal: yeah ok I'll be right there don't get to close in case.

He then hung up his phone as he said.

Azazal: look sorry I need to go it's important.

I nodded as he then said.

Azazal: you all keep him safe teach him make him as strong as you can I will be back in a week or so see ya.

Just then a magic circle was under him as he then left through it as I then saw a orange magic circle as mereoleona put her hands in to it she then pulled out 2 big suitcases as toph said.

Toph: I'll show you to your room ryo you need to rest your mana is really low right now go to your room or whatever but rest.

I nodded and I started to walk to my room as i got up to my room I left my door opened I didn't really mind as I laid down on my bed I closed my eyes and used.

Ryo: *whispering* instant dungeon just then I was in a field as I heard.

Astil codex: oh it's like a mini dimension.

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