Part 3: The introduction!

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You wake up with a blurred vision in a quartz-encased room, and you look around as you try to reminisce what happened yesterday. You may have fainted due to the energy and the excitement, but it looks like they've already sorted you a little staging area for a bit!
You glance around the room in more detail, trying to figure out two things: A. Who put you here? And B. Where is 'here'? All of a sudden, out of a quite large hole in the corner pops Mr. Slimecicle himself.
'Hello Y/N from everywhere and nowhere! I hope you have hibernated well!' He jumps up and down, almost like an excited puppy.
'Yeah, I did,' As you leapt off the bed and onto the soft, cloud-like floor. 'Was it you who put me here?' You asked.
He looked at you with big, longing and loving eyes for a moment, and then went back to jumping. He'll never be serious, but that's okay, because he is his own.. 'person'. 'Yep! I did! We were all hugging last night and then all of a sudden you kind of just.. fell over? Onto the ground? So Quackity from Las Nevadas told me to take you down here! This is my little cave home, or 'room', but I don't use the bed since I prefer damp, small spaces!'
You smiled at him. 'Thank you for moving me here, Charlie.'
'No problem, Y/N from everywhere and nowhere!' He clambers out of his hole and comes up to you, tugging your sleeve. 'I almost forgot! I need to give you an introduction to our.. what is it called again? Oh yeah! Nation!'
You let him lead you up the stairs into the base of this tower.
'Where we are now is called the 'needle'! Quackity from Las Nevadas built it all himself! It's very cool, and we don't need to go there because we went there last night!' He explains, fiddling with his gooey glasses.
You look up at the structure and adjust your head so you can see directly up it. Wow. It really is beautiful.
The slime-coated boy tugs at your arm again. 'Let's go elsewhere! Follow me!'
As you walk across the stones, paved road, Charlie hops along like an eager bunny rabbit, but he never runs out of energy. It's quite bizarre, but very interesting.
He leaps behind you and begins to push you. 'Hurry up! We haven't got all day, Y/N from everywhere and nowhere!'
Charlie brings you to a stop at a small bridge area, encased in pretty vines and sweet-smelling flowers. 'Here is the 'wedding' area, where people get 'married'! I'm not too sure what 'marrying' is, but it sounds cool!' You laugh and look at him, his eyes excitedly dotting around, taking everything in. It's almost like you are giving him the tour.
All of a sudden, he comes to a stop and looks directly at you.
'We should get married! I don't know what it is but it sounds cool! How do we marry? Let's do it right now!' He grabs your hands, encasing them in goo.
You pull away and laugh. 'I can't get married to you, slime, I am very sorry. Marriage is where two or more people have a ceremony to join themselves to each-other eternally-' you come to a halt as he grabs you again.
'Yes'! Let's do that! I can join us with my goop!'
You sigh.
'Yes, but the people have to be in love to get married, Charlie.' You start to walk away. 'Come on, show me the rest of Las Nevadas.'
He doesn't move or speak for a couple minutes, and then stares directly at you. 'Y/N... what is love?' He says, confused, and turns back around.
Charlie isn't a child, but has the mentality of an 8 year old and a 20 year old at the same time. And what you've now just figured out is that he has never felt emotion. He has never been a living human before this, so it's like he's just been born, and you need to educate him. Care for him. This isn't some kind of game, you know.
You tap him on the shoulder, and he turns around again to look at you, his eyes sweltered with.. tears?
'Are you crying?' You grab your shirt and dab his eyes. It's either goo or actual real tears because it did make a mark on your shirt.
'What's crying?' He still stands there, dripping with tears and snorting like a child with a runny nose. You reach into your pocket and grab a tissue or two. You always keep them on you just in case anything happened.
'Here, put this on your eyes to stop the water from coming out.' You handed him the tissue.
He grabbed it firmly in his hand and dabbed at his eyes. After a minute or so of this, the tears had stopped, and his nose had stopped running.
You pat him on the back. 'Feel better now?' You said to him with a smile on your face.
He sniffled a little, and then looked at you. 'Was that crying?' He is so clueless.
'Yeah. It's okay though. I'll teach you all about emotions once we go back to the room, okay?' You reply.
'Okay.' He was finally quiet for once.
You and him stood there for around half an hour with him staring at the wooden panel flooring and you hugging him, trying to comfort him as it was pretty much his first time being sad.
Around twenty minutes later, you hear a booming voice.
'Y/N? Slime? Why are you guys at the wedding area? You guys getting married or something?' He says with a laugh. It was Quackity, of course. He walked over and saw you and him practically, but not, asleep on the floor. Charlie was laying on the floor in a ball whilst you had your arms wrapped around him and your face dug into his neck, as it was so cold outside. So much for it being the beginning of summer.
Quackity looked at you both and began to take his coat off and took all of his belongings out of it, and then laid it on top of you both. 'See you both in the morning.' He smiled, and walked away to his quarters to sleep.

Slimed - A Charlie Slimecicle story Where stories live. Discover now