12. Don't have too much fun without me

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Everly's POV

I pushed through the masses of people gathering around to look at the destruction. I pushed toward the police vehicles on the other side. I was glad that I hadn't changed my clothes from before, because I still had my agency badge in one of the pockets. I pulled it out and flashed it to the officers and Ian did the same. They let us pass right through.

Lily was standing in the middle of it all, speaking with some of the officers. Sam stood at her side, staring down at the debris.

He was tense, I could tell from the way his arms were crossed, his stance, and the expression on his face.

I put my fingers to my mouth and let out a sharp, high-pitched whistle.

Sam turned to look where the sound had come from and when his eyes landed on me I saw the tension leave his body with a relieved sigh.

"I wasn't sure where you were," He said as I walked up to him.

I nodded before turning to Ian. "Call Zero and get him down here now. And if you didn't call your agents as I asked you to, call them and have them meet us at the agency. We need to start going over some things."

Ian didn't look like he was happy taking orders from me, but he nodded nonetheless and pulled his phone from his pocket, walking away as he dialed.

Sam reached out and pulled a piece of something from my hair. "You alright, Daggers?" He asked me.

"I'll feel better when I kill whoever's responsible," I muttered.

Sam smiled slightly. "I guessed as much."

"Thank God," Nicky said as she came walking over, balancing a computer in her hands. "The bombs were wired into the building's electrical. Sorry, I didn't turn off your fire suppression system, but I was more concerned with making sure the building didn't come down."

She grimaced as she looked over her shoulder. "Sorry . . ."

I shook my head. "It'll be rebuilt. And you'll make a better security system."

Nicky made another face. "That security system was already some of my best work. I'd like to know how this happened as much as you."

"Well you're in luck," I said as I pulled the computer hard drive from the large pocket on my thigh. I handed it to her. "Can you figure out who hacked in with that?"

Nicky smiled. "I can do the world with this." She slipped it into the purse hanging at her hip. "When I find anything I'll let you know."

"Thanks," I told her before turning back to Sam. "Damage control?"

"Lily and Chase have mostly taken over. Devin called Zero and my understanding is that he's taking this as a personal attack against the agency."

I nodded. "As he should. But this wasn't an attack, if it were they would have blown the building with or without me. This was a warning."

Sam bumped his shoulder against mine. "Should have known better than to try and scare you off."

I smiled up at him. "My thoughts exactly."

Sam stared down at me, his eyes soft. "I'm glad you weren't in the building."

"Well, like I was just telling Ian, I am notoriously hard to kill."

Sam laughed. "Even with a death wish."

I glared at him. "I do not have a death wish."

"Yet to be proven otherwise."

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