15. Are we there yet?

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Next update will be in Sam's POV

Everly's POV

"Are we there yet?" Ryan questioned for what must have been the fiftieth time.

"You're about to go flying out the car window," Tessa told him.

I rubbed at my head, hoping to quiet the headache that formed a long time ago.

I had driven for the first eight hours, before switching with Eric who really just wanted any excuse to get out of the back seat and away from the rest of his team members. Ryan had taken a turn after that, only for everyone-myself included-to nearly immediately call for him to surrender the steering wheel after nearly crashing into a light pole. Since then, Noelle had been driving and Ryan had been banished to the very back of the SUV.

I sat in the passenger seat beside Noelle, regretting ever taking this mission. Eric sat in the seat behind mine, earbuds in with his hands clamped over his ears as well in an effort to drown out everyone else. Ian was in the seat beside him still unconscious-Noelle was beginning to worry. Tessa, Alejandra, and Ryan were all in the very back seats, with Alejandra in the middle, Ryan beside her bored out of his mind and offended we didn't appreciate his driving skills, and Tessa was pissed she couldn't listen to music and ignore them since her phone had died four hours ago and she'd forgotten a charger.

"No," Noelle said and I could see on her face she was beginning to get annoyed. "We're not there yet," She told Ryan.

Ryan groaned. "How much longer?"

"Not too long now," I replied as I looked at the map on the tablet in my lap. "We've been making good time thus far."

"Well considering we don't have to worry about attracting cops to a kidnap victim in the trunk, I'd hope we were making good time," Tessa muttered sarcastically.

"Please," Noelle said. "Enough with the bickering."

"What I want to know, is how I got stuck in the back with the children," Tessa said, ignoring Noelle completely.

I could see Ryan glare at Tessa through the rearview mirror.

"Children? I am eighteen years old," He said. "You're only four years older!"

"Did I ask?"

"How did I get pulled into this?" Alejandra questioned.

Eric let out a groan and pulled his earbuds out. "Shut up!" He shouted. "I can hear you all even with my volume at max. I'm about to put a bullet up all your-"

"Eric," Noelle hissed. "That's enough unless you want to switch places with Tessa."

Eric glared at the back of Noelle's head. Tessa let out a taunting laugh.

"You think that's funny, do you?" Eric asked her before reaching to the side of his seat, pulling the lever and reclining his seat all the way back so it was on top of her.

Shouts of protest immediately sounded off.

"Get your chair off my legs it's crushing me!"

"Ow, don't shove me!"

"Stay on your side!"

"Ryan, you shove me again and I kill you."

"I hate you all."

"You are a dead man, Eric!"

There was suddenly a wheezing sound behind me, so I turned to look to Tessa had taken hold of Eric's own seatbelt and wrapped it around his neck.

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