Chapter 42: Our Galaxy Part Four

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Aaron received a call from Jessica on your way into the restaurant, and you knew from the wrinkle in his brow and subtle downturn of his lips that something was up.

"We're heading to KC's-- Yeah, near the one with the water. Okay, he can eat lunch with us. Okay, yes, don't worry, yes, we'll be alright. Okay, we'll meet you soon. Bye, of course, bye."

You smiled, hoping to ease away the wrinkle in your boyfriend's face. "Will Jack be joining us?"

"Yeah," he took the last turn into the restaurant's parking lot, sighing as he found a spot and shifted the car into park. "I know it's unexpected but--"

"It's okay, I haven't seen him in a couple weeks anyway. It'll be good to see mini you." You smiled, placing a hand on his thigh reassuringly, "I don't want to take away from any time with your son, and after we eat, I'm totally fine with being dropped off at home if you want to have the rest of the day with Jack."

"Thank you for the offer, but it's only a couple hours while Jessica has a presentation. He has a doctor's appointment scheduled right after, so she's picking him up as soon as she's done."

Your eyes widened in understanding, and you didn't have anything else to offer, so you shifted topics. "What time's he supposed to get here? I think we can at least put in our name, yeah?"


Jessica dropped off Jack at the restaurant, and Aaron went to meet him outside as you looked over the Filipino delicacies. The not-so-little tyke was excited to see you, and after figuring out what to order, chatted about everything that happened since the last time he saw you until the food arrived.

The three of you ate as if you were starving, with you sinking into the familiar cultural dishes and the Hotchners expressing their new love for Filipino food, particularly the pork adobo and dinuguan, though the arroz caldo was a close contender.

It wasn't until halfway through the meal that Jack spoke, oblivious to the implications of his comment. "Y/N," he asked innocently, "Are you going to be my new mom yet?"


"Well, Jack," you held your boyfriend's hand, giving him a look that let him know you got this. "Before I go into a long winded explanation, can I ask what you think being your mom entails?"

The boy's brow lowered in thought, and it was adorably similar to his father's. "I dunno, I'm too old to tuck in, and too old for good night kisses..."

"Psst, I want you to know that no one is too old for good night kisses," you stage whispered, "Your dad still gets good night kisses." Jack giggled at that, and Aaron's cheeks tinted pink, but he didn't say anything. "The real question is if you want me to be your mom, and why?"

Jack shrugged, "That's easy. You make my dad happy, and you help me with my homework, and you play with me, and you make movie nights fun, and you have the coolest stories, and you sneak--" You shot the young Hotchner a look, warning him to keep the secret of sneaking sweets and toys from his dad. He nodded and you both ignored the look your boyfriend gave the two of you.

"You sneak in snacks when you take us to cool places, and you always know what to say to make me feel better. But mainly, you make my dad happy, like really happy. Sometimes he's a sad couch potato and just talks about how he misses you, and he always asks me about what he should get you, and you should have seen how red he got when I finally said he should just get you a ring. As much as I like you, my dad talks about you like, nonstop, and it gets a little annoying." He looked at Aaron, "Sorry Dad, but it's true."

You saw Aaron's blush growing deeper at his son's admission, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish as he tried to think of a retort. He shook his head when nothing came to mind, and you giggled at the whole debacle.

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