Chapter 2: The Marriage

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Present year...

1 week before Lucy called Natsu over...

Lucy is talking to Crux. Her advisor and one of her faithful friend and servant.

"What?! What do you mean?!" Lucy exclaimed at the man in front of him.

"Lady Lucy, the last will of your parents was have a husband and a child when you turned 21. You're already 23 now, Ms. Lucy. We didn't tell you about this earlier since you were too busy with your studies and other businesses. But now that you're finished with your studies, you have to know."

"I don't have time to find a man, Crux." Lucy sternly said.

"Then, we have to use that paper, Lady Lucy." Lucy looked at him.

"What paper? What do you mean? And why is it even important for me to have a husband?! I can handle things on my own!"

"The paper that arranged you and Loke to marry when you won't able to find someone to be your husband." Crux said that made Lucy's heart almost fell. "And you need a husband and have an heir of the Heartfilia's rich."

"What the-?!"

"Hi, my future wife." Then Loke appeared from the door of the hall.

"Why are you here?" Lucy looked at him.

"I heard my name, so..."

"Cut the crap, why are you here?!" Lucy said in frustration.

"I'm about to talk to regarding our wedding, since I heard that you're aren't engage or at least have a man these past few years. And your parents arranged us in a marriage when you're already 21 and you don't have someone to be your husband." Loke smiled at her smugly.

"Shut up. Can you both please leave my room?!" Loke looked at her amused and he just bowed down and walk away, as well as Crux.

Lucy looked at the table in front of her, there's a paper that Crux said. Her parents signed it as well as Loke's parents. This happened years back before her parents died. But she doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't love.

Loke and Lucy were friends because of their parents, they're in good terms. However, this certain situation made Lucy frustrated at Loke because she knows that Loke likes this very well. Since middle school, Loke confessed about his feelings towards Lucy, but Lucy took him down.

"I... I like someone else. Sorry, Loke." That what was Lucy said to him years back.

Now, that she wasn't interested with anyone, it was hard for her to find a man, within a couple of months before Loke's parents or Loke made her no choice but to marry him. And she doesn't want that.

She messaged her friends; Juvia, Levy, Cana, and Erza about this matter.

Juvia: So, you mean that in any time you're gonna marry Loke, if you don't find a man to be your husband?

Lucy: Seems so.

Cana: Why don't you just marry Loke? I mean, you two known each other for years, since you were kids. He's caring and loving, though he's a flirt.

Levy: Lucy won't marry someone she doesn't love.

Cana: Well, I mean. Have a point.

Juvia: Then what about your first love?

Cana: Lucy's first love? She has one?

Levy: What do you mean, Lucy's first love?

Juvia: She does! When she was a kid and her parents was still alive. You didn't tell them, Lucy?

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