Chapter 5

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Sophie fell to the floor. Pj was shocked at Chris. Chris was shocked aswell. Pj put his arms around Chris as he was shaking from the rage and shock. Chris looked down at Sophie. "P..P..Pj! I think, I think she's unconscious!" Chris stuttered, shaking all over the place. Pj turned round to see Sophie on the floor. "Pj call an ambulance!" Chris shouted. Pj grabbed his phone and rang 999.

10 minutes Later an ambulance came. The paramedics took Sophie and strapped her to a bed. "Only one person can come with us, but if you want both of you can squeeze." The paramedic said. Both Pj and Chris hopped in. The sirens went as they drove to the hospital. "Do her parents know?" The paramedic asked. "No, ill text them to meet us there." Pj replied. "Got a bad throat?" the paramedic asked. Pj nodded. Chris was still shook up. His eyes were fixed on Sophie. "Pj, I think I'm gonna be sick.." Chris stuttered. The paramedic rushed to Chris' side and handed him a bag. Chris spewed up. Pj put his arm round Chris and brought him closer to shoulder. The ambulance came to a stop. The paramedic opened the doors they went into the entrance when they were bombarded by 5 doctors. They wheeled Sophie off down the corridor. The paramedic and another doctor stopped Chris and Pj. "Hello, I'm Dr Tyler. Zoe here tells me you've been in a little shock? Can we just check you out?" The doctor asked Chris. "Yeah.." Chris stuttered. "Right, do you want your friend to come with you?" The doctor asked. "I'm gonna go with Sophie if that's ok, Chris? Her parents will be expecting me there." Pj told Chris. Chris nodded and looked down a little. Chris followed the doctor into another ward, Pj went in the opposite direction.

Pj stood back as the Doctors and nurses got a lot of equipment and wired Sophie up. Pj didn't notice the nurse by his side who was offering him a drink, he had a lot on his mind at the moment. "Sir? Do you want this drink?" The nurse asked. Pj looked at the nurse who could tell what Pj was going through, Pj smiled took the drink and thanked her. Both Pj and the nurse sat down on two chairs that were at the other end of the room. "So, girlfriend is it?" The nurse asked. Pj shook his head. "Ex girlfriend." He added. The nurse looked concerned. "So what happened?" Pj looked at his drink in his hands. "It's her fault. Why couldn't she of just taken that I dumped her! Chris shouldn't have got that angry though, she only shouted at me.. I guess he loves me too." Pj said. The nurse just looked at Pj and rubbed his shoulder.

Chris hopped up on the bed. "So, what's your name?" The doctor asked. "Chris, Chris Kendall." Chris said. "Right, how are you feeling, Chris?" The doctor asked. "Quite faint, do you have a bag?" Chris asked. "Why?" Asked the doctor. "I'm gonna be sick" Chris said. The doctor passed him a bag. His threw up for second time. The doctor stood up and walked into the hall. "Can I get a nurse in here please?" The doctor shouted down the hall. The doctor turned around to see Chris had fainted. "Chris? Hello? Chris? Can you here me?" The doctor asked.

Sophie's Parents came rushing in. All the doctors had backed off and left Sophie on a monitor. "What happened to my baby?! Pj? Can you explain?" Sophie's mum asked. Pj looked at Sophie, he thought for a bit. He stood from his chair. "I've gotta go." He said sternly. "But Pj?!" Sophie's mum shouted. Pj walked out into the hallway. He took a deep breath and started to walk towards where Chris was taken.

On his way to Chris, Pj passed a café. He remembered Chris hadn't had anything to eat, that's probably why he was sick. Pj walked in a bought Chris a sandwich. Pj finally reached Chris. "Oh look! You have a visitor! That's a nice surprise after you've just woken up!" The doctor asked. "What?" Pj asked. "This one, fainted. Too much stress, anxiety, worrying too much! I let him sleep, calm him down." The doctor replied. "I bought him a sandwich? He hasn't had anything to eat. Can he?" Pj asked. "Course he can! That might explain the vomiting. Ill leave you two." The doctor said shutting the curtains. "Hey, Peej." Chris said being Subtle. "Chicken Mayo." Pj said. Chris look confused. "Your favourite." Pj replied handing Chris a sandwich. "Thanks mate, you're sounding a bit better in the throat!" Chris said. Pj pulled up a chair and sat next to Chris. Chris opened the box and took half of the sandwich out. Pj looked down to the floor. Chris looked at Pj, he put the other half of the sandwich in front of Pj. "It s not just me who hasn't eaten." Chris said looking at Pj smiling. Pj took the sandwich and smiled at Chris. "Thanks." Pj replied. Chris took a bite out of his sandwich. "Probably not the best subject at the moment but, um how's Sophie?" Chris asked. Pj was just about to take a bite out of his sandwich when he put it down. "She's fine.. Still unconscious... Chris. Her parents are here." Pj said. Chris stopped eating. "Do they know what happened?" Chris asked gulping down what he had in his mouth. Pj shook his head. "I ran away from them, I came to you instead." Pj answered. Pj looked down into his lap. Chris grabbed Pj's hand. "Peej.. Thank you." Chris said. The doctor walked back into the room. "Pj Liguori and Chris Kendall right?" He said. Both boys nodded. "There's some people that want to see you." Chris looked at Pj. Pj looked back at Chris. The doctor escorted Chris and Pj to a small room. Pj and Chris walked though the door. Sat down was Sophie's parents and stood in front of them was two police officers. "Chris Kendall, Pj Liguori? We would like to ask you some questions about Sophie."

**hello! First time writing these! But the response I've got from writing this is amazing! Thank you so much! :3 I'm not gonna stop writing but I can make no promises when the next part will be up! Plus 1,000 reads! Asdfghjkl, THANK YOU! <3 this chapter is very long so you can see why it took ages :3 x please enjoy! My twitter is @AwesomeTisChloe if your interested!!**

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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