Chapter 4

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There was a knock at the door. "Shit." Chris whispered, hoping whoever it was would go away. "Chris, i think im gonna have to answer the door. It may be important." Pj croaked. Getting up from under Chris, he pulled his top down and started to walk towards the door. Chris grabbed his wrist. "Pj, leave it. Please. I was enjoying your company." Chris gently projected up to Pj, now with the look of contenplation upon his face. There was another knock at the door. "Whoever it is, it must be important Chris otherwise they would have left by now." Pj Croaked once more now even more voiceless hoping he would have a little left for the person at the door. Pj kissed Chris on the forehead. Chris let out a smile. Pj walked over to the door, he looked through the window to see who it was. "Chris.. Chris!" Pj whispered. "It's Sophie!" Sophie was Pj's Girlfriend, now Ex because Pj dumped her for Chris. "Just let her in!" Chris moaned, now going to stand next to Pj. "No but Chris you dont understand.. I.." Pj stopped in his tracks as Chris opened the door. "Chris." Sophie stated. "Oh hey Sophie! C'mon in!" Chris said. Sophie stared at Pj then back to Chris then to Pj again. "He doesnt know does he?" Sophie said folding her arms. Pj looked at Chris. "Sorta." Pj croaked. Sophie stern fully looked at Chris. "YOU! It's all you! It's your fuking fault! All because you're attractive to a gay boy!" Sophie screamed. Chris looked confused. He looked over at Pj. "Chris." Pj spoke, speaking up a little. Sophie broke Pj off. "He dumped me for you! But you seem alright with it having 'cosy' time with each other! What's next? You gonna go get it on in bed together?" Sophie was being cocky now and Chris was getting pissed off. "Sophie. Look, you are out of order coming round shouting your head off About things it just doesn't solve anything. I didn't know a thing about you and Pj splitting up, I came here because Peej was ill and what best friend would do is comfort them. I just found out today Pj likes me!" Chris explained. Sophie wasn't taking any of it. She slapped Chris round the face. Chris went bright red with anger. "You can shut the fuk up! You think I'm stupid! Pj was mine! I'm glad I ain't dating him anymore.. Who would date a gay boy like him anyway!" Pj felt a tear roll down his cheek. Chris was flaming mad. In his anger he walloped Sophie round the hard with his fist and screamed, "NOBODY SAYS THAT ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND!"...

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