Chapter 2

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*Well.. how do i say this.. I love @Chris_Kendall_ .. Hope he sees..*

Chris was shocked on what Pj was about to post. Did he really love him? Chris was too shocked to realise that he was Pj's Background. He shut the computer down and sat down in Pj's Computer chair. He put his head in his hands. He looked at Pj's Scribble page. All it said was Chris. All over. Chris didn't know what he was feeling. Chris was shocked that his best friend 'loved' him. But at the same time he felt Pleased. Like he felt the same way for him.

"Chris?" A voice croaked from the door.

Chris jumped up and turned around to see Pj standing there.

"I was just.. um.. getting a blanket and.. um.. shutting your computer down.." Chris Stuttered.

Pj looked down to the floor. A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Did you see?" Pj croaked trying to not sound upset.

Chris looked at the Dark curly haired boy looking down at the floor in shame.

"Yeah.. But.. I.. Um.. I'm not.. You know.. Mad. or anything. Im rather pleased!" Chris stuttered.

Pj looked up into the Boy's deep Hazel eyes. Breaking the silence Chris spoke.

"Anyway! Someone should be resting! What did I say! You wont get any better stressing over things!" Chris said picking up a blanket and pushing Pj downstairs..

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