everyone's #1 dad // gen

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"hey bakubabe, can i borrow your english notes?" shinsou whisper-shouted across the classroom.

aizawa-sensei had given them a relatively free class period, a reprieve from their usually merciless and unrelenting schedule and an opportunity for them to catch up on late work and study for upcoming tests. their teacher had retreated to his desk to grade papers, staring longingly at his yellow sleeping bag and leaving the class to their own devices.

when they had impromptu study sessions like this, it wasn't usually silent, what with the clacking of kaminari's fidget toys, jirou's humming, and tokoyami's occasional chitter, but it was quiet enough that a few people looked up when shinsou spoke.

"fuck off, shithead." bakugou answered, not sparing him a glance.

shinsou smirked, leaning closer to him. "aw, that's not very nice. come on, just this once?"

"suck my dick."

"well, if you insist–"

bakugou finally looked up, glaring at the boy next to him. "shut the fuck up!"

"make me."

bakugou growled, slamming his hands down and standing up. "YOU PURPLE SHIT–"

"c'mon pretty boy–"

"bakugou, hitoshi, silence yourselves immediately. you're disturbing the class." aizawa's tired drawl sounded over the class's laughter.

shinsou pouted, but receded back into his chair. "geez, okay dad."

the class fell silent.

everyone held their breath, waiting for aizawa-sensei to scold their classmate or give him detention.

but instead he just...he just raised one brow, gave a long, exasperated sigh, and returned to his work, appearing significantly more fatigued than before.

"i need a nap." he muttered beneath his breath.


the next day, the self proclaimed bakusquad stood at the front of the classroom, huddled together awkwardly beside the podium. sero was currently up, with kirishima next to him, droning on and on about civilian rescue methods and the technicalities of legality and its repercussions on heroes who failed to offer adequate comfort to the victims of a crime. he seemed bored by his own presentation, staring absently at the back wall through glazed eyes as he reported his research, and a dull thunk sounded from the corner of the room as ochaco's head slid from the heel of her hand and onto her desk.

bakugou scowled and mouthed some soundless expletive. aizawa-sensei was only barely clinging to consciousness, pressing his fingers to his temple and glancing periodically at the clock above the door.

all of a sudden, kaminari nudged mina in the side to get her attention. she pulled an exaggerated wince as his elbow dug into her stomach and shot him a mildly annoyed look. he just raised his eyebrows, squinted, and bit his lip in classic fuck boy fashion. for some reason, mina found this absurdly funny, and she snorted loudly, pressing a hand to her face to stifle the noise.

bakugou shot them a glare and hissed through his teeth. "shut up! what the hell are you idiots doing?"

kaminari only turned to him with the same face that cracked mina up. bakugou's face reddened in some pained cross between anger and amusement. his lips fought for a scowl, but a spluttering noise faintly resembling laughter slipped from his throat.

sero began to stumble over his words, struggling to divide his attention between his reading and his giggling classmates. kirishima drifted over to them and grasped onto bakugou's shoulder with a concerned hum. bakugou glared through tears of amusement and pointed inconspicuously to kaminari. kaminari, sensing kirishima's attention, saw another opportunity to fuck up their presentation and soon sent kirishima into a fit. bakugou slammed a hand over his mouth, and mina snickered into kaminari's shoulder. she was laughing so hard that she'd half doubled over, and the only thing preventing her from falling to the floor was kaminari's gentle grip on her arm. sero shot them a panicked and mildly betrayed glare, and kaminari offered up a mischievous smirk in response. he pulled that face once more, and it was over.

𝘽𝙉𝙃𝘼 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon