anything to make you happy // todoshin

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hitoshi wasn't used to having things.

it's normal in foster care, especially for someone like him, passed around through foster homes like a hot potato. he was never in one place for long, and he never knew when he'd have to pack up and leave again. owning little and packing light was in his best interest.

it wasn't until he settled into living with aizawa and yamada that he really started to have more things than strictly necessary. they gave him everything he needed, and then more, but he still had a hard time accepting that he could have this. he just couldn't shake the feeling that one day, they'd get tired of the constant ups and downs of taking care of him, and he'd be packing up his stuff yet again. his dads had ended up sitting him down and telling him that this home was permanent, and he didn't have to be on his toes all the time. slowly, he'd stopped trying to deny the gifts he was given, and ended up owning more stuff then he'd ever had. still though, he tried not to buy things for himself too often.

then again, he'd never expected shouto.

when hitoshi started dating todoroki shouto, things rapidly began to change.

because shouto loved giving him gifts.

it started after their first date.  hitoshi took him to his favorite cat cafe, and it was really nice. he introduced him to all his favorite cats–who immediately took up residence near shouto's left side–and his mismatched eyes lit up when he had a bite of hitoshi's pastry, and they'd had to buy him one of his own, and his happy little smile made hitoshi's heart squeeze. but just after they stepped outside, shouto stopped him with a gentle touch on his arm. he was blushing, and didn't meet hitoshi's gaze when he pulled a box out of his bag and gave it to him.

it was a lavender diffuser.

to help you sleep, he'd said, all soft and bashful. and hitoshi had wanted to decline, had felt the words on the tip of his tongue. but then shouto looked at him, and all his thoughts evaporated.

from then on, shouto tried to give him gifts whenever he could.

it started with small things, keychains and pins and stuffed animals, a book by his favorite author, fidget toys for his anxiety.

but the more hitoshi accepted his gifts, the bolder shouto became, and his presents began to slowly increase–in size and in price.

a self-care kit full of the best scented lotions and shampoos. ("izuku says that when you're depressed, doing nice things for yourself can help.")

an entire dvd set of an obscure anime hitoshi told shouto about. it doesn't even come on tv anymore. he doesn't want to think about how much that costs.

when he pierced his ears–something he'd wanted to do for a while–, shouto bought him these gorgeous silver earrings, almost dangly with a square jewel that absolutely shines in the light. (shouto sets himself on fire the first time hitoshi wears them.)

one day, hizashi came into his room to tell him he had a rather large package waiting for him on their doorstep, and todoroki's name was on it. shouto took two rings to pick up, and there was a smile in his voice when he answered.

("good morning, hitoshi."

he sighed fondly. "shouto, why is there a huge-ass package on my doorstep?"

"your mattress finally arrived."


and that's how they got where they are now.

hitoshi has no problems with his boyfriend's affinity for gifts, but really.

this is excessive.

"shouto," hitoshi breathes. "what- what is this?"

"it's a cat."

hitoshi knows it's a cat. and not just any cat either. it's his favorite cat from the cat cafe he frequents; small and white, with patches of orange and a pink scar on its forehead. it's asleep right now, tucked into the crook of shouto's elbow.

"i know, i mean– why do you have him?"

"i adopted him for you." shouto murmurs, as if this wasn't a huge fucking deal.


shouto's face falls, and he looks away. "i would like it. if– if it's too much, i could take him back–"

"no, no that's– you don't have to take him back, i just...yes, shouto, this is way too much, but–"

hitoshi laughs, pulling shouto into a kiss by the back of his neck.

his boyfriend can be an idiot sometimes, but god, he loves him.

"thank you," he says, resting his forehead against shouto's. "wait. how much did he cost? i'm sure i can pay you back if i just–"

"why would you pay me back?" shouto asks, looking genuinely confused.

"i'm sure he cost a fuckton of money," he looks down at the cat.

"i don't care." hitoshi looks up, and shouto's eyes are painfully earnest.

"i don't care how much it costs, as long as it makes you happy." he says, like hitoshi's heart isn't doing fucking jumping jacks in his chest.

"you're a gem." he sighs, thumbing at shouto's flushed cheek.

"what? no, i'm not."


(later, when hizashi comes home, he blinks at the small cat that comes to rub against his legs.

he picks it up and steps further into the house smiling when he sees his husband and son sitting on the couch watching tv together.

"am i hallucinating or is there another cat in our house?" he calls.

"his name is blanket. he's a gift from 'toshi's rich boyfriend."

"daaaaaad," hitoshi whines, but he's smiling too hard to care.)

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