Chapter 5

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The last month had gone by so fast. Aurora and Daniel felt closer than they ever had before. Weekends were still spent racing, just like always, and nights and weekdays were now spent constantly tangled up in each other.

Daniel had promised himself he wouldn't put pressure on her to get pregnant but when she always looked so good he couldn't help but want to rip her clothes off. It didn't help that she, much to his surprise, was seemingly ALWAYS in the mood, not that he minded. He was just glad he could keep up, not being the young 20 year old he used to be.

Sex with Aurora was so different than what he'd experienced before. He didn't have to try to impress her and he wasn't afraid to be himself in the bedroom, a little silly now and then. She loved it that way. It was easy being with Dan. She didn't feel self conscious about speaking up when she liked or disliked something or wanted to try something new, and he could do the same.

The communication between them was so perfect. They both had unconsciously started speaking up more, instead of relying on the usual unspoken communication they had both grown so accustomed to. Whenever Aurora thought of something they hadn't talked about she would make sure to ask him, becoming less afraid of his answers now knowing that he was all in.

Daniel himself only ever had one question for her, which they were discussing now as they laid in bed together this night, enjoying their post-sex haze after a particularly good weekend for the team.

"Did your doctor ever discuss with you how long before we'd have to try fertility treatments if nothing happens?" He asked her quietly, as he lightly traced her spine with his finger while she rested on his chest.

Aurora cringed at the thought of having to inject herself every day. "It's up to us basically. Depends how long we want to try before going down that road".

Daniel nodded. He'd try for his entire life if he could. He knew this wasn't going to be an easy journey. And he would do whatever it takes to help her, them, to have a family without having to put her through fertility treatments.

"We've only been at this for a month Dan, I don't think we need to worry just yet" Aurora said, leaning up on one of her elbows so she could look at him.

"No I know" he reassured her, reaching a hand up to brush tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I just... I just want to make sure we're both in agreement as to when we would do that, if we had to!" He quickly added the last part. "I mean I don't want to set like a deadline or anything but" he paused, feeling somewhat insecure "I just want to make sure you're happy" he smiled as he caressed her cheek.

Aurora smiled back, placing her hand on top of his. "I am happy. With you. Honey," she took his hand in hers and gently rubbed the back of it with her thumb. "If anything, I'm still worried I'm going to break your heart. I know you said we would figure it out if we can't get pregnant, but what if that happens and then you realize it meant more to you than you thought?"

Daniel knew what she meant. He could promise her the world right now but neither of them could guarantee what would happen in the future. Daniel felt sure of himself though. He was in love and he knew he was meant to be with her. Even if that meant they couldn't have their own kids some day. He had a big heart, they would foster or adopt if they had to. He could handle that, he knew it.

"Babe, I love you" he said as her lifted her chin up to look at him. "I know you're worried about it but all I can do is promise you I'm not going anywhere," he looked in her eyes, thinking about what he could say to ease her mind, but all he could think of was to get up, walk over to his backpack where he kept a gift for her that he'd been carrying around the last few weeks just waiting for the right time.

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