Chapter Eleven- Demon Angel's Wings

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“Miranda, don’t swear.” Austin told her. The girl was sitting on the couch with a purple laptop on her lap.

“I’ll swear all I want!”

“How are you using Wi-Fi?”


“You don’t know.”

“I don’t,” Miranda told him her eyes never leaving the screen “my mother never understood this place, I don’t think we’ll understand either.”

“You’ve never been here before?”

“I haven’t.”

“So you took us somewhere you’ve never been?” Austin asked her while looking at his own laptop, he was emailing Siena and Jerry. Miranda has told him, not to tell the young blonde about Danielle “how are you sure this ‘Summer’ won’t mind,”

“It was made for this reason.”

“Are you sure?”

“Fuck a duck!” Miranda shouted trying not to punch the screen of the purple laptop, with a few deep breathes, she looked at Austin who was smiling.

“What if there was a child?”

“Child? There’s only teenagers here!”

“In the eyes of the law, I’m an adult.” Austin said with a smile, before a light clue cushion was thrown at his face “hey! It’s true. In Australia I can drunk!”

“We’re in Poland, not Australia.”

“I know that!” he told her, while she just smiled at him “I am an adult! Out of my family, I’m the mature one!”

“When pigs fly… backwards,” Miranda said while giving him a dead pinned face “that’s when I’ll believe that.”

“Thanks, Miranda, I love you too,”

“I know and you’re welcome.”

Austin just looked at her and crossed his arms. Miranda was trying to find a way to get to Russia and she’d been doing it for the last three hours. He knew his friend wasn’t happy and it was starting to show.

“Airplanes are out, boats take too long,” Miranda muttered looking at google “Trains are out, Austin what have you found on cars or trucks?”

“Won’t let us hire one,”

“Why not?”

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