Chapter Twenty-Seven- Vampire Venom and Spells

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“Are you sure?” Jerry asked as they waited Danielle. He thought she was hiding something and said thing was bothering her.

“I’m sure,” Miranda told him while rolling hers. “We want Austin to stay a breathing organism and if he hated me afterwards. I’ll live knowing his okay.”

“He won’t.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Trust me.”

“I trust you, it’s myself I doubt.”

“That makes no sense,” Jerry told her from the chair he was sitting on. Miranda was sitting next to Austin on the bed. The seal was slowing down the already slow poison. “What do you mean by that?”

“I didn’t tell you everything.”

“What didn’t you tell me?”

“I’ll need to ‘drink’ some of Austin’s blood,” Miranda told him while looking at her bare feet. “And I’ll need to give him some of mine, this will stop him from going crazy. At least it should.”


“I’ve seen it work.”

“I thought only Summer co-”

“Wrong method.”

“Then what method as you using with Austin?” Jerry asked her.

“There’s Summer method.”

“And the other one?”

“Mate. You can change your mate into a full blood.”

“His your mate!” Jerry shouted looking at her with an open mouth. “Well, at least I like my sister in law.”

“If he doesn’t love me, at least he’ll be alive,” Miranda told him ignoring the ‘sister in law’ comment. “I would do the other one, but I don’t have time to find it. Austin deserves to be with someone he loves, but if it comes down to that, I’ll kill myself so he can.”

“You must love my brother,” Jerry said looking at her with a smile on his face. Miranda just looked at him with wide eyes, like she wasn’t expecting him to say that. “He won’t hate you. He never will, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

“But I -”

“You two might argue, but that’s normal for a couple, Mira,” Jerry said cutting Miranda off from what she was going to say. “You’ll see, everything will work out in the end.”


“Miranda, are you ready to start?” Danielle asked as she walked into the room. Miranda quickly got off the bed, nodding at her sister. “Good, cause I’ve got two stones and a candle for a Mrs Hell.”

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