23 | fault

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Up from a past rooted in pain, I rise

—maya angelou

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 Buzzcut Season - Lorde 

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The sky was melting into a hazy shade of lilac as we drove back. I was at ease with the comfortable silence that hovered between us, and Audrey seemed to be as well. I snuck a glance at her. At my girlfriend. 

Half asleep, she rested her cheek against the window, her knees pulled up to her chest and all bundled up snugly in her hoodie. She looked so peaceful. So calm. And so freaking adorable.  I couldn't help the warmth that was spreading in my chest.

I switched the radio on, testing the chances to stumble upon a song that would complement the romantic feel of the day. And I think I succeeded. I lost myself in the tune for a while.

We ride the bus with the knees pulled in

People should see how we're living

My uncontrallable eyes returned to her again. Followed the shape of her face in the evening glow. The curve of her rose-pink lips. Her petite nose. The golden hue her eyes glinted with in the twilight, kissed by the shadow of her eyelashes.

Shut my eyes to the song that plays

Sometimes this has a hot, sweet taste

Just looking at her like this felt like all I wanted. All I needed. She was beauty. My beauty.

I had to draw my gaze off her after a while though, and pay at least some attention to the road in front. Even though the streets were nearly completely empty. As if we really were the only two people in this ghost town, the way it felt.

"Cam," she drawled in a sweet, sleepy voice, when the song ended.


"Can I drive?"

I blinked, not expecting that. "I don't know, can you?"

She stretched. "Well, I don't have an actual license," she squeezed out of herself, "but my sister taught me ages ago. So yeah, I can."

I raised my eyebrows, not exactly convinced. "What? You don't believe me?"

I chuckled in response. "Are you feeling this dauntless cause of the skateboarding?"

"Dauntless? Oh, come on. It's just driving. Besides, there're no cars." That I had to agree with. But I still didn't slow down.

"Who's the killjoy now, huh?" She threw her final card at me with a smirk but a quiet tone. Then turned away, thinking she'd lost this game of convincing me. 

I thought so too until I found myself stopping the car. "Okay then, princesa. You can show off."

"Wait, are you sure? Cause I wasn't insisting." Somehow, I was. After all, what's the worst that could happen? The streets were empty. And I couldn't live hiding under my fear forever.

"It's okay," I stepped out of the car and we switched seats.

She hadn't lied. She did know how to drive.  And pretty well too, may I remark. She was confident behind the wheel. Something I wish I had.

Freefall ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon