34 | together

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You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have

—f. scott fitzgerald

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Romantic (NOTD Remix) -  Stanaj

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I still can't comprehend how one whole month managed to flash before my eyes. 

Between this and that, it didn't even cross my mind that we were well into March, already closing that border between winter and spring. 

The 'time flies when you're having fun' saying absolutely wrapped up my relatively eventful past few weeks, the main highlights being:

1) The long-awaited dinner date at which my mom and Hailey finally got to properly meet Cameron. And drown him in their ever-effusing questions. Okay, they weren't that bad. We actually ended up having one of the most convivial dinner dates I've ever been involved in.

Hailey and I had helped Mom prepare a special meal, à la Italiano: Caprese salad, hand-sealed Ravioli, Tiramisu. . .— the whole deal.

Snowflakes showered outside as we watched one of the older seasons of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' (Mom's and Hailey's fad). After he beat all of us with predicting the correct answer, my mom's opinion of Cameron probably skyrocketed even higher. 

I don't know how he managed to know almost every answer. That mystery is of the same kind as the sudden reason why North Carolina decided to grant this paper town a such a considerable sprinkle of snow, near the very end of winter.

But it had been, overall, one of the most enjoyable evenings of the whole year.

2) The stressful shopping hunt for the best ski gear. I was grateful for Syd to have me guide through that one, as my knowledge in the area of skiing is outright null.

3) Probably the most prominent of it all — mine and Cam's one-month anniversary.

It'd been one week ago.

Having thought about it recently, I've come to this conclusion: I don't think the moment would ever come, when I could officially state that I'm used to our relationship. In the sense of it becoming something mundane, ordinary or unexciting.

With Cam's cup of tea being all the little things and little surprises, there was just no way. All the flowers he'd randomly bring, all the post-it notes— with sweet messages or intentionally mawkish pick-up lines — I would find inside my locker (I still don't know when he managed to discover the code), all the inside jokes, and well. . . the anniversary gift. . .

I remember waking up to an early-morning doorbell that day, sleep-walking towards the door in my pyjamas and thinking I was still dreaming when opening it. I was met by a jumbo ass panda teddy bear that didn't even fit through the front door at first attempt. 

We had to ram it in by force.

It was plush and adorable and bigger than myself.

And that was just our one month's anniversary. I wouldn't even know where to begin imagining the present for one year's. . . A pleasant sinking sensation fluttered in my stomach at the mere thought of reaching a whole year together . . .

Anyway, moving on. All I'd gotten him were some special skateboard headphones along with a pack of skateboard wheels, all in a cute little box that I'd manually wrapped and decorated. It felt measly in comparison, but Cameron assured me that it was the nicest and most thought-out gift he'd ever received.

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