39 | gold dust

192 25 9

How rare it is to find someone whose eyes shine brighter than the stars

—ben maxfield

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Snowman - Sia

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I groaned tiredly at the vexatious sound of the alarm, my eyes stinging. Through a silent yawn, I rubbed at them. A ray of sunlight lingered on the white duvet, as I searched deep within me for the force of will that would get me out from the irresistible warmth of the bedsheets this morning. 

Going to bed late and waking up early were two realities that combined in the worst way possible, but today was our last day here and we couldn't waste it on sleep. However tempting that sounded right now.

Overcoming myself, I plodded into the bathroom and began freshening up. 

Having showered and dressed, I stood in front of the full-length mirror of my room, brushing my brown waves and humming a tune to myself. I was peaceful, relaxed, and —above all, I wasn't bothering anyone. Just minding my own darn business.

How on earth did I, then, deserve that mini heart attack due to those three precipitous knocks on the window pane from behind?  

I stifled the powerful scream, blocking it behind my lips. "Cam! For goodness sake, what are you doing?!"

I had turned around and opened the window he had been crouching behind, letting him —and a wintry gust of cold—in.

"You know how many centuries ago doors were invented?!"

He smiled at me, calmly. "Would you have preferred for everyone to see me walk into your bedroom at the break of dawn?"

I stood back, sinking into thought for a while. Looked like he was a few steps ahead of me.

"Okay, you might have a point." In that regard, came the next thought: "But why the heck would you wanna walk into my bedroom at the break of dawn anyway?!"

"Ehh. . .you see, my roommate used up all of our hot water," he rolled his eyes as he mentioned it. "Can I use your shower?"

"Oh. Yeah, sure," I shrugged, totally unmindful of any potential complications that might cause.

I was finishing plaiting a lace braid into my hair when I heard hurried knocking against my door. My bloodstream froze. The water from my shower was still running.

"Aud!" It was Syd's forceful voice, scarcely muffled by a wooden door's layer. "You're not sleeping yet, are you? Auuud! Wake your ass up!"

"What'd you want?" I shouted through the closed door, preferent to stay behind its concealment.

"Can I come in? My hairdryer's not working."

Crap. My hairdryer was inside the bathroom. 

"Aud?" I was silent. No possible words would come into my mind. "I'm coming in, okay?"

Oh, no no no no— "Uh— wait!"

But she was already in. The unserviceable hairdryer in her left hand, she confusedly eyed my frozen-in-terror state.

I nurtured her confusion by wordlessly blocking her path towards the bathroom. "What are you doing? I'm just gonna borrow your— "

There it was. The exact moment it hit her. "Wait— why is there water running in your shower?" Her frown was acute.

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