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Stay close to people who feel like sunlight

—xan oku

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Alone, Pt. II - Alan Walker & Ava Max

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I've never believed in that banal assertion about how ice-breaker games can actually help people bond. Yet, after less than twenty minutes of "2 Truths and a Lie", while driving in Dominic's redolent red Audi, it began to feel as if Cameron and Dominic had been buddies for years.

I'll admit that I've actually been quite worried about how Cam'd feel in this situation since he barely even knew Syd, let alone Dominic— so that feeling was encouraging. After all, Cam's personality did make him quite the one to settle in with new people quickly. As opposed to me.

So here we were, following the downright surreal ease with which the whole double-date thing was organized, on our way to the bowling alley that Syd'd apparently been wanting to go to for ages. 

It became Dominic's turn when he pulled into the parking lot of the center. "Okay okay, I got it. Two truths, one lie. I've gone bungee jumping. I've met Hugh Jackman. I know how to knit."

My snort came out like a volcanic eruption at his last statement. I didn't know about the rest, but there was no way Dominic could knit.

"You do realize that two of them actually have to be true, right?" Syd asked, amused sarcasm playing in her voice.

"Absolutely. Difficult one, innit?" Dominic grinned, cockily. I was sitting in the backseat behind him, Cameron to my side. 

"Two? Nah- I'd begin to freak out if any of that were true," Cameron sounded seriously shocked. 

"Well, you can surely begin now," Dominic replied, his grin only widening.

"Alright alright, I think we can all agree that the last one's gotta be it." I cut in.

"The knitting one?" Cam raised his brows.

"Yeah, I'd say so too," Syd agreed. "Okay, Minnie, we're done— give us the revelation."

"You guys sure?"

"We guys sure," Syd pressed.

"Kk, then. Well you guys lost," he looked around the car as he parked, starting to laugh. "Of course I haven't met Hugh Jackman! I'd be bragging about it all day otherwise." That, he was right about.

"Wait wait wait wait wait— does that mean—"I started.

"You know how to knit?!" Syd exclaimed, at the top of her voice, representing the utter state of shock of us all.

"You've so little faith in my skills, I'm almost offended," Dominic responded.

"For real?" Even Cam sounded astonished.

"Yeah, why not? My grandma taught me."

"You can't be serious," I still found myself unable to accept the image of Dominic sitting cross-legged on a carpet with his grandma, and knitting a woolen scarf.

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