Chapter 44

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The kiss is all consuming. His lips move with mine, parting my mouth with his. One of his hands is tangled in my hair, slightly tugging it, holding my face close. The other has gone to my waist, pulling me close to him, arching my back.

I pull him onto the bed with me, and though I've never done this before, it feels too natural. Too easy. Too right.

I crawl on top of him, straddling him. I grind against him slowly, the kiss deepening. His tongue dances with mine, and I can't hold back when I moan into his mouth.

He kisses down my cheek to my neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. I gasp, tingling everywhere.

I've never wanted to be naked so much before. I think right now, I want him. I want all of him. More than anything else. I want his bare skin on mine, I want his pleasure, and I want him to satisfy me in the way I've been daydreaming about for months.

His lips return to mine, kissing me harder. His hands slip underneath my shirt, exploring the skin. Everywhere he touches sends electricity through me. My hands trail across the hem of his pants.

"I've wanted you for so long," he breathes, between kisses.

I am convinced that I will give him my virginity.

When someone bursts into the room.

"Jade?!" two voices call.

I curse under my breath as Acacia and Xander appear, pushing through the doorway. I push myself off Darcy. Kissing him put me under some spell – all I could think about was him, being with him, touching him. Now I feel guilty for all the thoughts I was having, all the desire. But more than anything, I feel cold. I want him to kiss me more.

Fury contorts Xander's features. "What are you doing here, Jade!?" Xander yells. He must be slightly drunk too.

"We heard what happened," Acacia says sympathetically, "I'm so sorry, I never should have left you alone."

"I'm fine!" I say, both Darcy and I standing up to confront them.

"So, you come to Darcy's bedroom of all places? It's his sister's fault this happened in the first place!" Xander says, hurling the words at Darcy.

"Don't play the heroic card," Darcy says. "Where were you? Why weren't you here?" Darcy's eyes narrow on Xander's, as though he knows all of his secrets.

Xander's face goes red. In less than a second, Xander has grabbed Darcy's shirt and punches him square in the jaw.

I shriek.

Acacia and I both yell for them to stop.

Darcy smirks, unaffected by the collision. Xander pins him against the wall, hand gripping his shirt.

In two painful steps, I make my way between them. I defensively stand in front of Darcy, trying to get Xander's eyes. But it's impossible, he barely registers who I am. All I see is rage.

But I can't stand for long. I topple down to the floor, gripping my knee.

This is what finally gets their attention.

"What did you do to her?" Xander growls, leaning down to me.

"He didn't –" I begin, then wince from the pain. Funny how when I kissed Darcy, any semblance of pain completely dissolved from my mind.

"Alyssa tripped her down the stairs," Darcy says, looking down at me.

"You saw?" I say to him, wondering now how much I embarrassed myself.

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