Chapter 75 - BONUS CHATPER

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I wake up wrapped in Callum's arms. For a few small moments, I feel at peace. I feel safe. I feel hope.

The sun hits every surface of the room. It warms Callum's features, glistening against his cheek bones and shining against a thin layer of sweat. It's too hot to be holding me this tightly, but he doesn't seem to care.

I absently run my hand over his mouth, down across his jaw.

Callum murmurs beside me and slowly opens his eyes. "Hey, pretty lady," he says with a husky morning voice.

"Hey," I say and give my best attempt at a smile. "Get dressed so I can make us breakfast before Ben does."

I move to slip out from the covers but Callum pulls me closer against him and says, "Not yet, please."

I don't protest for a moment, but eventually drag away from him so I can pull a dress over myself. "I have work in an hour," I say and glance at Callum's alarm clock.

"Don't go," he says.

"I do actually value my job, unlike some of us," I laugh and Callum smiles at me.

Callum's phone buzzes and his expression changes.

"What's wrong?" I say, knowing this peace couldn't last forever. I almost wince at the sudden change. "Callum?"

He stands up quickly, pulling on some shorts. "I need to tell you something."

"What – what is it?" I glance up at him, suddenly feeling so small.

"Just don't – don't panic, okay?"

"Callum, you're scaring me."

His hands come to my arms and rubs up and down them comfortingly, but I pull away from him.

"What is it?" I almost shriek.

"It's about Jackson..." he pauses and regret ripples down his face. "He's-"

Someone bangs the door. "Jade Fernwood, this is the Mount October police department. Open up!"

I scramble out of the room and see Ben at the front door. Callum runs behind me. Ben looks between us with shock, but we don't have any time to explain.

"Don't open the door," Callum says.

"We're not criminals," Ben says. "Just cooperate."

I nod. "I'm here, opening up the door now," I call through the door.

Callum grips my wrist and pulls me back.

"It's fine," I say.

"Callum," Ben warns and doesn't look so warm right now.

Callum drops my hand and I open the door.

Four police officers barge in, almost knocking me over.

Their uniforms make my heartbeat speed up and I feel faint instantly. But I glance around the room and check every face. None of them are Taylor. He's gone. It's going to be fine.

"Jade Fernwood, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, aiding and abetting, and the murder of Periwinkle Zielinski."




What a fucking joke. How is this my life? I thought I had hit rock bottom.

I think about this for the eight hours I'm interrogated for – or atleast I think it's been about eight hours because of the way the sunlight has moved down the walls.

"I don't know how many fucking times I have to tell you, I have no clue about any of it," I say, exasperated, for the thousandth time.

"She's not going to talk," Thumbelina says, a cop I've met before, known for her short stature. "Bring her in."

There's rustling as the police in the room reposition themselves then all leave.

I'm left alone for what seems like the longest thirty seconds of my life. I know they are watching me on the other side of a double mirror. There is nothing in this room but a table (which my hands are cuffed to), a few chairs, a large mirror, and a sunlight on the ceiling.

When the door creaks open again, I get ready for snarky comments to be thrown at me.

My jaw drops open when a young girl walks into the room, shaking and timid.

"Acacia? What are you doing here?" I say and move to stand up but am restrained by the hand cuffs. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not okay, Jade. None of this is okay."

"I know, it's going to be fine," I try to soothe her, not understanding why she's here.

"No, it's not. Do you seriously think I'm ever going to get over what happened?"

"You will, you're strong –"

"I was held hostage by a sociopath!"

"Acacia," I say, taken aback. "It's over now, you're safe-"

"It's not over. It's not over until everyone involved is behind bars."

"What are you talking about?! Jackson is dead. The Class Killer is gone."

"But you're not."

My heart drops down to the floor. "What are you saying?"

"You need to come forward, Jade. You need to tell the truth."

"Are you... are you out of your mind?" I pull against the handcuffs threaded to the table, so much that the whole table lifts for a moment and shudders.

"You need to tell the truth," she says again, "You killed Perry. You were part of it."

"I didn't kill Perry! Perry is dead because you forced Jackson to pull the trigger. He was going to let me choose!" I yell at her as silent tears soak my cheeks.

"Don't pretend like you would have chosen her over Darcy."

I stand up so abruptly, ready to swing at her, ready to throw everything at her and hurt her the way her words just hurt me. Police officers swarm into the room and pull me back, guiding Acacia out of the room. "You're a liar!" I yell at her through the doors.

"You're a murderer!" she yells back and this time she pushes through and Thumbelina has to hold her back. "I hope you die in prison."

"They're making you say this – they're lying to you," I say. "You've been traumatised, this isn't you!"

"You pretended to be our friend for months and then you tried to slaughter us!"

"That's enough," a senior officer says, stepping into the room. "Get her out of here," he says, gesturing to Acacia. I recognise him as the officer who stepped in before to help me. I see the name 'Banks' on his badge.

Acacia is dragged from the room.

I watch her head disappear as they close the door.

And my nightmare of being locked away begins all over again.


all of these bonus chapters were not in the original story. when i first wrote october academy, it was only 71 chapters - it went 70, then the last chapter (which will be the next and final chapter). instead, i decided to write 5 bonus chapters (71-75) because i think the ending was a little bit rushed. when you read the next chapter, you'll see how the five bonus chapters weren't exactly necessary. i just really wanted to write sum smut with callum honestly. lol. 

either way, i hope you enjoyed it. so stay tuned for the final chapter!!

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