03| You're as pretty as your mother was

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Fuck my stupid family. I don't need them.


May Lilith fall off a bridge. She can kill herself for all I care.


I wish he would just leave me alone. Even without him here, he keeps haunting my goddamn mind.

With one last final blow to his none moving figure, I got up from where I straddled his waist. He was out cold and had actually been for a few minutes yet I still couldn't stop myself from using him as my own personal punching bag. No one tried stopping me as they watched frozen in place just until I brushed myself out of the ring. Stepping down I'm pulled into a tight hug that makes me stiffen. Though I melt into his calming embrace.

"Congratulazioni bambina!(Congratulations baby girl)" Demetri says with a huge grin. He already knew that I was going to win but he still would act as though I had won my first fight.

"Grazie Signore.(Thank you sir)"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me sir." Demetri hates it when I call him sir. At first it was just a habit but then I just did it to annoy him.

"Oops, I guess it slipped my mind." I shrug with a smile playing on my lips.

"For sure. How are your ribs? I saw the way you cringed at that blow to your ribs."

"Lilith. She couldn't help herself, again. But it's fine. I'm fine.'' I say through clenched teeth. That one phrase has come from my mouth so many times, it's been rehearsed.

"Bambina, you know that I care about you. But I also know that you won't open up if you don't want to. Just for once, admit that you're not fine. The last time you did was when you were 12. It's been 5 years." His eyes held sadness and some sort of hope for me to open up. But I just couldn't.

"Demetri. I'm completely fine at the moment. You'll be the first to know if I'm not."

Demetri nods in understanding. "Just remember that people love you. I love you."

"Well I'm going to grab my prize money and head out. See you later. Love you."

I feel someone staring holes into me as I leave but I just decide to ignore it. It's not the first time I've been stared at considering I'm the well known, Rylie. I wear a mask so as to not reveal my identity but people still try to figure out who I am. I'm used to the eyes. Though it still slightly freaks me out.

We exchange one more hug and I grab my money to leave. I hop on my motorcycle and enjoy the wind in my hair with no worries in the world. I wish it could be like this everyday. Everything would be so much easier and maybe I wouldn't feel the way I have for the past years.

After parking my motorcycle a block away I started to make my way home. When I get closer, I can see 5 black BMWs parked around. Instinctively my hand grabs my knife tucked in my bra taking slow steps to the door. The door luckily makes it open without a sound. My ears perk up when I hear rustling in the living room. That could well be Lilith but I have that gut feeling plus the noise sounds from everywhere. That can't just be one person.

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