The School Bully

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Third person's POV

"Ple-please,I'm sorry,let me go,otherwise I'll be late for my first cl-class.", said the poor new student, hoping his resquest will be accepted.

Keyword bieng hoping.

But he didn't knew, who he was trying to request.

A fade dark chuckle can be heard between the silent crowd."Do you really think I'll let you go just like that, after you bumped on me and ruined my expensive Shirt with that cheap drink of yours?", Jungkook asked.

His dark brown eyes glared at the poor soul in front of him. A few strands of hairs covering his eyes, giving him a scary look on his handsome face.

But don't go on his looks, he's known as 'the coldest person alive', 'Mr.Glacier', or 'The School Bully'.

All the students are afraid of him and his group of friends. Even the teachers are afraid of them, as they are so rich that they can just throw out anyone who mess with them.

The only thing, that is good with them is, they never go physical, they just humiliate the students especially new students. Although this also don't come under a 'Good things to do category' but who will change them?

"If you can't buy such expensive clothes for yourself, atleast don't ruin others", said Rick.

Yes you read right, Said Rick, The mafia leader, whom Y/N is trying to catch. He's Jungkook's friend, but obviously Jungkook don't know anything about him accept some basic information like he lives alone in an appartment, and obviously is rich, otherwise he woundn't have been in his group of friends.

Rick studies in this school just as a normal person to avoid Police and any suspicions. He's in this school for past 2 years and is Jungkook's friend for almost a year now.

You shouldn't have any question about how Jungkook and Rick became friends as their personalities are kinda same accept in some cases. It's just like Rick is a higher level of Jungkook.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't do it by intention. I was getting late for my class, so I started running, and mistakenly bumped into y-you.", explained the new student, with tears streaming down his face.

But as we know Mr.Glacier will never melt on this.

Just as Jungkook was about to say something, a voice interrupted him.

"Jungkook stop.", A boy as handsome as Jungkook said with his voice as deep as the Ocean."He's my cousin, let him go.", He continued.

"He's your cousin?.", Jungkook asked shocked."Yes.", the boy said.

"Why didn't you told me you're Taehyung's cousin? Huh?, I would've left you before only.",Jungkook said.

With that they sent that new student or Taehyung's cousin to his respective class.

"You should've told me your cousin is going to join this school.", Jungkook said turning towards Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's Best friend, is a total opposite of Jungkook's personality. He's a really cheerful and intelligent boy. Although he's Jungkook's best friend, he doesn't like to bully new students, instead he befriend them.

Also He don't like Rick, as he think, that Rick is a bad influence for Jungkook, which is kinda true. After Rick and Jungkook became friends, the cases of bullying have just increased in the school.

Taehyung, bieng an angel he is, didn't liked this all, and tried to bring Jungkook on the right path,but Jungkook's egoistic self didn't even bother to move from his place.

"Like you would've listened to me." Taehyung said sarcastically.

"Yah, now don't start again. Let's just go to class, c'mon.", Jungkook said, to which Taehyung rolled his eyes.


So here's the second part.
I hope you're liking it, as it's my first ever fanfiction.
Lastly stay tuned to know how will Y/N find Rick.
And how Jungkook and Y/N will meet each other.

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