Chapter 4

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Raising twins was harder than you thought, even though Gabriel was never much a problem it was Jessie, he was outgoing, curious, adventurous, and when he discovered his quirk it was a disaster.

You were walking about the office, doing things that had to be done when Jet came in with a grin.

"Alright, out with it."

"Jessie got his quirk... we have to pick him up..."

"Why? What the hell did this kid do?! He's only 5!"

"Uhm... you'll see..."

You grumbled, following jet. It was only a few minutes walk to the school, you were greeted at the gate by his teacher.

"I'm sorry to call you in, it's just... hard to explain."

"Alright." You nodded.

She told you he was playing inside when he figured it out, and he messed up the whole room.

You guys were taken in and everything was scattered about, Jessie was grinning from ear to ear.

"Jessie, can you show your mum and uncle your quirk?" The teacher asked softly.

"Yup! Look!"

He swiped his hand to the side, and all the books flew that way.

"Amazing, he's got some form of Telekinesis." Jet mused.

"I'm gonna be an awesome hero!" Jessie grinned, "like mama and uncle!"

You laughed, reaching down for him to run into your arms. Picking him up with ease, you smiled sheepishly at the teacher.

"I apologise for the mess, Jet will clean it up I'll take this little man home along with his brother for the day."

"It's not a problem! We've got a special class for those with quirks to help them get better control. With your permission we can place him there for an hour each day."

"Of course, that would be a huge help."

She nodded and led you out the room, into the classroom next door where kids were playing and laughing.

"Gabriel buddy, time to go."

He shyly nodded, padding over to take your hand as he waved by to everyone.

You all sat waiting for Jet to come out. Jessie ran around the playground while Gabriel sat on your lap.

"Will I get a quirk too...?" He asked softly.

"Of course darling, just give it some time. What kind of are you hoping for?"

He shrugged lightly, playing with his shoelaces, his black hair falling over his face.

"I don't mind.. I just want to be a hero.."

You smiled warmly, kissing the top of his head as you pulled him in for a hug.

"You'll be an amazing hero Gabriel."

He smiled lightly, hugging you back with a small whisper of thanks.

A couple of weeks later, and true to your word Gabriel got his quirk. You were making dinner when you felt a light top on your leg.

Looking down, you smiled at the black haired boy who was looking away nervously.

"What's wrong darling?"

"I got my quirk..."

"That's amazing! Can I see?"

He nodded, kneeling to be closer to his height, you smiled warmly at him, waiting for him to show you when he was ready.

He rolled up his sleeves, he showed you his arms. On the palm of his hands you noticed two small holes.

Blood came out of one, and it took form as a ball, then disappeared back where it came from, a few drops falling on the floor.

"Wow... I've never seen one like that before." You whispered.

"Does... does this mean I'm bad...?" He muttered, "the kids at school say it's for a bad guy... I don't want to be bad..."

Taking his hands in yours, you shook your head at him.

"Of course not! I know people who can cover their whole body in fire, grow really tall, break things with one punch, make people tired by realise a certain smell, shout super loud, erase people's quirks by looking at them. Every quirk can be a heroes quirk if you want it too."

"I... I want to be a hero... like you..."

You kissed the top of his head, brushing some hair from his face to meet his black eyes.

"Well, I can't wait to see you become a hero."

He smiled, nodding his head as he looked around the kitchen.

"Can I help... Jessie is playing with uncle..."

"Of course! I need help washing the carrots, can you do that?"

He nodded, grabbing a chair you set it by the sink, filling it with water for him. He carefully washed each and every one, handing them over to you.

While making dinner, you thought about the two boys and their quirks, it was amazing how even as twins they could have totally different powers, though you supposed one was from each parent.


You turned to your son, he smiled lightly at you, handing you another carrot.

"I... wanna go to your school to be a hero..."

You nodded, going back to cooking. You wanted him to understand that he could be a hero, no matter what people said

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