Chapter 10

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You stared a little longer before scowling at him, stuffing your hands in your pockets as you walked around him.

"I heard you were back..." Aizawa muttered.

"Good for you." You replied.

His footsteps fell in line with yours making you grumble slightly. You knew you wouldn't be able to outrun him so you kept walking.

"You've changed." H noted.

"And you haven't."

He sighed, reaching out, Aizawa hesitated but he gently took your hand, only for you to snatch it back, spinning around with a glare.

"Don't touch me." You snapped.

He raised his hands and took a few steps backwards, burning his face in his scarf as he looked at you from under his hair.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"No thanks, you did enough talking that night."

"That was nearly 15 years ago, I admit I was rash with what I said, but I meant every word of it. It seemed to do you good."

"I can't care, okay? Leave me alone. And it wasn't you that changed me, so don't let that go filling that large ego of yours. It was the life I led that changed me." You hissed, "So don't go act like you care now."

With that, you stormed away leaving him stood there.

He watched you leave with a gentle sigh, putting his hands in his pockets as he turned around.

"She's never going to forgive me, is she?"

"Just give her time." Nezu smiled.

Aizawa just walked away, heading back to his classroom.

You headed to your car, slamming it's door shut you finally let the tears fall free, punching the steering wheel a few times as you yelled.

Taking a few deep breaths you resting your head on the window and sighed.

"Damnit... why couldn't he just ignore me..." you grumbled.

Your heart ached, the moment your saw him you felt it drop. When you heard his voice it made you happy and angry all at the same time.

Truth be told, he hasn't really changed much from when you last same him. He was taller, more tired looking. That was about it.

You weren't really mad at him anymore, you put that past you years ago. You simply were too scared to get close to him again, in case he did the same thing to you.

You looked up, blinking a few times to keep the tears at bay.

"I won't let you hurt me again Shota... I can't do it..."

Bound by fate (Aizawa x reader) Where stories live. Discover now