Chapter 17

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Izuku won his fight, you were not only amazed at his power, but you were amazed by Shinsou as well.

"Why isn't he in the hero course?" You asked.

"Who?" Hisashi asked back as the next fight was announced.

"Shinsou! With a quirk like his I very much believe he'd be a great hero. What about you Aizawa?"

"Well, given how I think his quirk works, he would be very good on the front lines. A quirk like that is wasted in the general studies class."

Shinsou looked up at the box, stunned before he slowly left the arena.

Fight after fight happened, Jessie won his next few until he came up against Iida. He was too fast and was quickly pushed out before he could even make a move.


You grinned, slipping out of your chair, you left your mic as you headed down to 1-A's stand.

You walked over seeing the others patting his back, along with Iida.

"You did well!" Iida yelled.

"Yeh! You were amazing!" Oujiro grinned.

"You have an amazing quirk." Tokoyami nodded.

"Jessie~" you sang.

He jumped up and over the seat as you crushed him in a hug, pressing a kiss to his head.

"You did amazing I'm so proud!"

"Thank mum! I was shocked I got that far! I bet Gabe would've gotten further!"

Bakugo snorted, and you looked at him along with Jessie.

"You're all damn extras, I'm going to crush you all." He huffed, kicking the chair in front of him.

"Come on man, you've gotta stop calling people extras." Kirishima laughed nervously.

You rolled your eyes, ruffling Jessie's hair as you walked over to Izuku, patting his head as well.

"You did really well too." You turned to the whole class, "all of you are doing amazing, including you Bakugo."

He huffed, but his face turned red a little bit.

You walked over to a certain multicoloured hair boy, leaning down you tapped his shoulder and gestures for him to follow so he did.

"Yes miss (L/N)?" He asked.

"Todoroki, I want to talk to you about your quirk. I notice you only use your ice side."

"I refuse to use that assholes quirk."

"Todoroki, look at me."

He did, and you smiled, ruffling his hair a little.

"It may be passed down from him, but it's not his quirk. It's yours, you have control over it, you can use it however you see fit. Make it your quirk!"

With that, you walked away heading back up to the box just as the next round began. Izuku lost, he ended up badly injured, Jessie went to check in him, in the end though Bakugo won.

You smiled as people filed out, chatter filled the whole are as you walked around.

"Hey." A gruff voice spoke.

Turning around, you came face to face with Aizawa.


He gestured for you to follow him, so you did. Both of you stood in an empty hallway, a slight awkward silence filled the air.

"Can... we be friends again...?" He asked awkwardly.

You stood there, staring at him in utter shock.

"I... Uhm..." sighing, you didn't know what to say.

"Please (Y/N)... I know we ended on bad terms but I really want to make it right... I know you probably won't ever forgive me, but let me try fix it?"

You looked at his pleased eyes, finally you nodded slowly.

"I already forgave you Aizawa, I forgave you a long time ago. That doesn't mean it doesn't sill hurt though..."

He nodded, and you nodded back.

"Can we do something some time?"

"Sure, how about a coffee when you're out of those bandages?"

He nodded and you smiled lightly, waving as you ran off. Your heart was pounding, you couldn't help but feel relieved and scared all at the same time.

You worried it would be the same as last time, he would leave you behind once more, but at the same time something about this time around felt different, kind of like it you two were supposed to be there for each other

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