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- July 1st, 1996/ Privet Drive

He was done. He couldn't do it anymore. He wasn't sure what was the straw on the camels back. Perhaps it was his Godfather being killed. Perhaps it was the blood quill. Perhaps it was seeing Percy after a year of having the letter in his head. Perhaps it was Vernons latest beating. He didn't know. He was just. Done.

He looked at the letter he finished writing. He hated how he felt for the third Weasley son. He should have known 'Pompous Percy' couldn't possibly love him. It didn't make it hurt any less.

"Here girl. Send it to Percy for me please. Stay with him, or go to Luna. One of them will take good care of you." he said as he tied the letter to Hedwig and sent her off. It was time for him to finally go.

- Same Day/ Percy's Flat

Percy sat startled as he looked at Hedwig who held out her foot. As he grabbed the letter she pecked his hand showing her displeasure but didn't leave. As his blue eyes read the letter he felt his heart drop.

Dear Percy,

I want to hate you. Bloody hell do I want to hate you. You lied to me.

I don't know what I ever did to you. Why did you lead me on? Why did I have to fall in love only for you to break me? Knowing that I was just some...toy...killed me inside. I suppose that make you happy.

I wrote this to tell you I'm done. I can't do it anymore. Seems Ron and Hermione took your advice. Both telling me to never talk to them again. Fred and George still talk to me but...I would have given it time. Everyone abandons me in the end.

I also wished to say I still love you. You can hate me all you wish. I will love you until I die. Which should be soon after you get this. I give up.

Yours Always,
Harry Potter

Looking up Percy starred at the owl. He needed Fred and George. He personally did not know where Harry lived. Why did he have to be an idiot? The ginger pushed himself from his table, grabbed his cloak, wand, and apparated to Fred and George's shop.

- Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Flat

"Percy?!" sneered the twins as they saw their older brother in their living room. "What are you doing here?!"

"Look. Harry's trying to commit. I need his coordinates!"

"What?" asked Fred his eyes widening.

Percy immediately handed them the letter. His heart was pounding. His eyes already bloodshot.

"Here."said George quickly writing the coordinates down and handing them over. "Bring him here. Don't waste time."

Nodding at his brother's Percy left without another word.

- Privet Drive

"Harry?!" called out Percy as he entered the seemingly empty home. He made his way upstairs to the locked bedroom opening it as quickly as possible.

Harry stared at the Weasley in his room. The blue eyes were bloodshot and panicked. He saw a paper clutched in a freckled hand, wand in the other.


He had the knife in hand at the ready when the man burst in. Why was he here? Did he come to watch? Probably would enjoy that...Except the knife was spelled out of his hand causing him to once again look at him.

"What! Why are you here Percy!" shouted Harry his voice rasp.

"I couldn't let you..." his voice was wavered, soft, and filled with emotion.

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