19."Myths Or Truths...?"

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My hands were shaking my throat felt dry, i swallowed to make it damp, tears droping from my eyes, i closed my eyes and inhaled deeply

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My hands were shaking my throat felt dry, i swallowed to make it damp, tears droping from my eyes, i closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I had been sitting on couch of living room since that devil left, i pressed my face under my palms, my head was pounding with bundle of questions. That scene... How easily without blinking Azriel shot Caleb, I'm not in Caleb's favor he tried to abduct me but putting a bullet in someone... I shook my head.

But now it's crystal clear that Azriel Harrington isn't some ordinary bussinessman that i thought he is, he is something else... Mobster...? No... He can't be... Tears crawled down my cheeks, i wiped them away from my cheeks. I frowned a mug full of steaming coffee placed on center table in front of me, i looked up Dominic smiled that really didn't reached his eyes, he whirled to walk away. "I want to talk." I said and he stopped i heard Dominic heaving a sigh.

"You can talk later buttercup you are looking exhausted have something to eat and then go to room for sleeping that will ease your mind I'm sure." dominic said. Fury rolled under my head hearing him ordering me around too because i was so done today of all the people ordering me that Caleb guy, prude Harrington and now Dominic. "Don't boss me around." I snapped at Dominic standing on my feet, he turned and frowned looking at me. "i ain't ordering you buttercup, I'm just suggesting you because you are looking tired." Dominic stated his intention.

I shouldn't have talked to him coldly, what has he done, i sighed shutting my eyes. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. I didn't look at Dominic who stood there i sat back on couch again. I took mug in my shaking hands and drink it silently. After some silent moments passed Dominic spoke up. "When Az denied you warned you why did you step out?" Dominic questioned sitting in front of me on other couch. "are you kidding me...?" I asked incredulously. "I have been cooped up here for a month now Dominic... Because of some unknown reason, i needed some fresh air, i did not harm anyone just went out." I defended myself. "That's the thing buttercup there is danger outside for you, that's why Az told you don't do anything." Dominic spoke taking devil's side..

"I was happy girl a month ago Dominic, keenly following my dreams exhilirated with my mom and sister unless those basterds tried to kidnap me, and your devil of friend brought me here..." I uttered holding tight mug in my hands. Dominic didn't blink he kept looking at me somberly.

"You could have waited for me or Dennis..." Dominic said. "If i had been would you have let me go?" I asked him knowing answer already. He sighed looking down. "it's for your own good Adira staying here they are behind you." Dominic stated looking down frowning. "They are behind me i figured out by now but why me what possibly wrong have i done that i suddenly end up here and... Why that Jasper wants me...?" I asked him pulling my eyebrows up desperatly. "I don't have any answers of your questions." Dominic said staring at mug in his hand.

"Yes you have all the answers..." I uttered gripping pillow laying beside me. "Dominic look, I'm here and staying without knowing the reason and i have right to know everything." I tried to deem him. He looked up holding sympathy in his light blue iris, but for whom?

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