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There have been some things I've realized about this book as I wrote the last chapter and now that I stay up at night and think about it (like I'm doing right now.) I just want to warn anyone who is new to this story of a few things:

1. There is literally no relationship development. They go from strangers to not necessarily lovers but something like that, in what seems like a heartbeat.

2. There are a lot of extra unnecessary details because it took me 3 or 4 years to write this book completely and ideas came and went in that time span.

3. I've been told that Jack seems very OOC.

4. I've just been straight up told this book sucks.

But if you do take the time to read this book, thank you so much. I really appreciate the support and it helps give me the confidence to write other stories. I have a hard time finding motivation when I feel like no one wants to read so.

Once again, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy.

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