Chapter 4

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Selene was sitting on the deck, drawing the hustle and bustle. She was content with ignoring Jack as she drew on the old parchment, completely lost in the repetitious movement of shading. 

Jack watched her sit on the deck like a child when he was supposed to be finding a bearing for them, but his attention wasn't on the map in front of him. His eyes and mind kept turning to the young woman with a horrible past. She was relying on him to be a better person, to be like his father. He couldn't find the heart to tell her that it was too late, that he couldn't stop the Navy ship that was still following them; the ship would follow them to Davy Jones Locker if its captain was determined enough, which he was. 

Selene twisted around once she felt Jack's gaze on her longer than it normally was and she was about to make a comment, but then she saw the look on Jack's face and she couldn't. Not when he was looking at her like he wished things could be different; he looked like he would rather die than face what was to come. She knew what that meant, so she stood up and walked over to her first mate. 

"Set sail for Dalma. It seems to be the only way to shake these fools," she ordered with a scowl.

Her first mate nodded and started barking orders she didn't care enough about to listen. Jack listened though, and when he realized what the orders meant he looked at her like she was crazy. 

"Why are we going to her house?"

"Because she's crazy enough to keep them away," Selene answered in a voice that left no room for argument. 

Jack nodded in understanding even if he didn't enjoy it. He and Tia Dalma hadn't parted on good terms. Selene turned and walked off without looking at anything else; she wasn't particularly fond of this choice but she was going to keep her men alive and safe. Even if it killed her. 

Tia Dalma looked up with a smile when her door was opened by no other than Selene

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Tia Dalma looked up with a smile when her door was opened by no other than Selene. 

"Ah, visited once again by the beautiful Selene Corkweather. Alas, she is in good health this time."

Red lips twisted up into a smile as the younger woman hugged her. 

"Hello to you as well, Tia Dalma. I prefer the surname Silver now. If you don't mind."

"Ah yes, of course, dear. I understand completely. Now, what is it I can help you with?"

Selene sighed and sat down in a chair, "I need a way to lose the Royal Navy ship that is following me."

Tia looked at her curiously as she sat down opposite the black-haired woman. "To lose the ship or the sailors?"

Silver eyes closed gently then reopened, "I...the ship."

Tia closely watched the emotions flicking across a normally emotionless face and smiled softly at her. "What if I told you there was a way for you to keep your crew and the Navy crew safe?"

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