Marry me?

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Yeah I didn't proofread anything bc im being lazy, but this is more of an update then I ever give.. so enjoy ;)


POV Ariana

As Courtney jumped into my car, I couldn't help but give her a mischievous smirk. "What do you mean we are going ring shopping Ariana?"

I smiled for a minute, before taking a deep breath. "I'm going to marry her.. I want her on tour with me. And you're coming to help me pick out the ring"

Courtney just sat there, looking at me in shock. Y/n and I never officially even asked each other to be girlfriends, and now I'm gonna ask her to marry me? Of course I'm crazy. But out of everyone, Courtney already knew this.

"I'm in" was all she said, giving me a mischievous smirk back before we took off to the shops.


"Courtney it has to be perfect, y/n is perfect " I blabbered, looking over the different rings. "It can't be any ring, it has to be amazing, she deserves the best.." I continued, Courtney walking beside me. She gave me a little nudge before pointing at one ring in particular.

"Ariana.. that's the one! Look at it!"

She was right, it was the one. It was beautiful. It was a beautiful oval shaped diamond ring. With the rose gold band that I knew would capture y/n's heart.

"Courtney, you're amazing!" I beamed, quickly rushing to purchase the ring. "Now we just have to figure out how to get the perfect set up"


Upon arriving home, I hide the ring. Courtney and I did a lot of brain storming while I was gone and we came up with the perfect solution. Tour was coming up fast, a few months away to be exact. Which means I needed to propose to y/n soon. Very soon. But along with that, I couldn't contain myself. I was ready. I needed to fully claim her as mine, and I didn't want to wait a second longer. I picked up my phone, clicking on her number.

"Hello?" Her soft voice flowed, I hesitated for minute. Unsure as to if she'd even agree to go out with me on short notice, or even agree to marry me. Decided against asking, I spoke.

"Be ready by 7. Wear something nice. I'm taking you out" I said before hanging up. As I sat my phone down I noticed how shaky I was

Man the things this girl does to me



What the fuck

Not even a please? She really just demanded me like I'm a dog. Turning around to face the brunette girl in front of me, "Demi.. I need help" "with what?" She asked, not really paying any attention to me but to the person on her phone. "I need help with an outfit, Ariana just told me to be ready at 7 and to wear something nice"

Demi popped up out of the bed, looking at me with a glum smile. "I thought you'd never ask to help me style you" she laughed as I shoved her softly. "Shut up, I want to at least look decent before she breaks my heart"

Looking down at the clock on my phone, I realized how late it already was. The time read 5:30. That only gave me so much time to get ready.

By the time Demi and I were done there was clothes scattered everywhere, makeup all over our desk, and shoes covering the floor. The place was a mess.

"It really looks like someone had wild sex in here or either god robbed" Demi said studying the room. "I'll clean up while you go finish putting your lipstick on" she ordered handing me the tube of makeup. I took it from her hands and made my way into the tiny bathroom we shared. Looking into the mirror I felt confident. I actually liked the way I looked for once. (Please imagine urself if whatever you're comfortable with) allowing myself to apply the nude-ish brown lipstick to my face, I walked out of the room. The dorm looked 10x better to say the least. I thanked Demi as I heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door I was met with the girl who turned my world upside down for the better. My eyes traveled up her body. The dress she had one hugged her curves perfectly. My eyes longed for more but I didn't want to make myself seem like a perv. "Hello mi amor"

"Hello Ariana" I smiled, as I found myself hugged her softly. I missed her, I had missed her a lot. I didn't realize how much I longed for that hug until this moment. "Are you ready to go?" She asked

The only words I could muster were "I am"


The whole car ride I tried to get Ariana to spill the beans about where we were going, but she wouldn't. She was like one those English soldiers who stand guard outside of the castle. She wouldn't peep a single word. I could sense she was nervous, but I couldn't understand why. Was tour really going to be that bad?

"Baby we are here" she whispered, Parking the car on the side of the road. We were up-hill. Which lead to a very confused me. We were basically in the middle of no where.

Ariana softly looked at me before grabbing my hand and leading me away from the car. "Now I know I told you to dress nice, but we do have to hike up a little bit" I nodded my head as we started walking. The journey uphill wasn't that bad. It was peaceful in fact.

Upon arriving to our spot, I looked at Ariana in awe. She had set up a dinner date on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was amazing, breath taking even. She knew I was a sucker for views. "Do you like it?" "I love it"

She guided me over to the table that was set up. "So did you do this or did you have help?" I laughed sitting down. "Actually Courtney helped me, but that doesn't mean she was much help" she laughed, sitting across from me.

Before I could even say anything she started off, "I know we haven't talked much about tour but there's nothing to worry about... I will still be yours and you will still be mine. No matter the distance" I nodded, letting her speak.

"And I love you, I love you a lot. I brought you here to show how much you mean to me" she whispered. It tugged at my heart, it the best possible way. She looked so vulnerable. I knew she meant it.

She got up, walking over to me before putting her hand out. Suggesting I take it.

"I was suppose to wait until after dinner to get mushy but honestly I can't wait" she pulled me up, walking me over to the edge. "That ocean down there.." she pointed. "It reminds me of your eyes"

I smiled, "why does it remind you of my eyes?"

I felt her arms snake around my waist from behind and her chin lean against my shoulder. "Because the ocean sparkles blue. Your eyes are always sparkling. They bring me happiness as that ocean does to many people. They bring joy. They're always sparkling." She spoke softly.

"Listen y/n.."

"Without you I don't know where I'd be in life. Yes I'd still be famous with a ton of people supporting me, but I don't know how happy I'd be with myself. You bring me a happiness I can't explain. With you I feel like I'm at home. Home isn't home anymore. My home is a person. My home is you. And it's been like that ever since I've met you. I don't ever want to let go of my home either. And I know that going on tour is absolutely going to kill us both. Because I need you with me constantly. I can't stand being parted with you. That's why I want you to go on tour with me"

I felt my breathing hitch. She wants me to go on tour with her.

"You want me to go with you?" I asked as she nodded to me softly, turning me around to face her.

"Not only that y/n. But I want you to be mine forever. I want you to be my Mrs. Grande..." she spoke as she got on one knee, revealing a ring box from her black purse. "Y/n I want you to marry me. I want you to go on tour with me. I want you with me forever.."

She opened the box, grabbing my hand softly. "Will you marry me y/n?"

I stumbled, looking at her softly. I was utterly in love with this girl and there's only one thing I could do.


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