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Chapter 16: The Likes

Last night, I was determined to get any white dress I could pull out from my deteriorating closet, go out and knock on Haruki's home (in the middle of the night!), and scream at his adorable face. No, I would probably not scream but just silently lecture him on how he should be careful on using words and putting them together. Because if he keep on doing that, I don't know longer my heart will take it.

But of course, I didn't.

Instead, I stacked my pillows, plunged myself in and screamed. Yes. Because if I don't, might as well find myself inside the hospital with a cardiac arrest. 

Haruki is bad for my heart, in a good way. The little interactions, subtle touched and exchanges of words puts my beating organ in its uncontrollable phase in pure happiness. Then, there's Yuzuru, who is literally bad for my heart. Like, keep away or you'll die in frustration and irritation.

He destroyed my almost goodnight sleep with a simple text.

annoying dumbass

I'm picking you up tomorrow. 

I thought I would be at least 0.1% happy that he finally cleared his messed up mind and reached out to me first. But, I imagined the scenario that would take place, so early in the morning with him being unexplainably rude to Haruki just pisses me off straight away.

It was also going to be our meeting after Haruki's heart stopping reply. I don't want it to turn out sour. I already imagined it to be awkward but sweet with nonstop teasing until we get to school. But the twist is Yuzuru is going to be in the picture and it will not end up like what I have pictured in my mind.

Before I went downstairs, I knocked on Apollo's room to see if he's already awake and possibly try to examine his well-being. I thought he was still in bed but he opened the door, towel hanging from his shoulder and hair still wet. 

He looked at me confused since I don't usually show up at the door so early in the morning. I just shook my head and gave him a small smile. I was about to leave but I was not satisfied leaving without saying anything so I opened the door again.

"Hey, get some rest okay? You can talk to me anytime if you need help," I faintly smiled.

He raised his eyebrows at me before nodding. I stared at him for a few more seconds before deciding to leave him alone. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard him took a deep breathe and sighed.


I left the house frowning and aggressively typing at my phone because Yuzuru is already at our usual meet up. Which means that Haruki and I won't have the time to chat on our way. I was fuming mad since he is always late. He never comes on time. He's at least 10 minutes late than the meeting, and that's his earliest.

Walking out in the street, I didn't have that much attention since there's not much car passing by. I'm having my time crushing Yuzuru down in our chat when I bumped into someone. I said sorry multiple times before looking up and saw Haruki.

I started coughing unconsciously and straightened my hair. He giggled and I swear to God, I almost drooled. His smile was on another level today. I'm not exactly sure if its because of the sunlight beaming at his face or just because he is Haruki. 

"I'm saving this event in my 'I saved Athena' collection," He wrote on his palm with a wide grin on his face. 

"You're counting?" I asked in disbelief. 

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