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Chapter 10: Cheeky

"Yeah, you're definitely not the Athena I knew," Daphgne looked at me with disbelief while pacing back and forth. After our first class, she immediately pulled me outside to talk.

"I'm also as confused as you are right now," I said, leaning to the cold wall. That was foolish of me. I just acted on my instinct. I could've just hugged him or walked him towards the door but I didn't. I need to be more careful from now on.

"You okay?" She tugged my arm lightly. 

"Yes. Let's go back," I hesitated telling her the truth. Not wanting to worry her as she was already going through so much. I can definitely handle this on my own. 


My brow furrowed when I saw Yuzuru already waiting outside my lecture room. I'm guessing this guy skipped his previous class just to get here earlier. It's not unusual but it makes me feel uncomfortable when someone puts behind something more important for me. In this case, Yuzuru's education.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.

"You didn't attend your class earlier huh?" I tugged my bag closer when he tried to take it from me. He looked surprised by what I said but smirked right after. I continued glaring at him, wanting to let him know that I'm not happy with that.

"One class wouldn't hurt, Athena." He said before grabbing my bag and started to walk away. Irritated, I grabbed my bag back and pulled him.

"What? I'm so hungry right now," He whined.

"Never skip you lectures from now on. You understand?" 

He repeated the word 'yes' over and over again while grabbing my hand. Still not convinced, I stared at him suspiciously. When Yuzuru noticed this, he stopped in his tracks and faced me again.

"I promise. Cross my heart," Caressing my cheeks softly before pinching it. I smacked his arms to stop it since it hurts and I feel like I am being treated like a baby. He laughed his ass off and continued our way to the cafeteria.


"What do you want to eat?" Yuzuru asked.

"A burger? I'm not really hungry," I pouted slightly. To be honest, who would even have the appetite to eat when everyone is shamelessly staring at you. I lost my desire to eat. I'll just have one at home.

"What?" I asked Yuzuru who's blankly staring at me. 

"Don't do that," He let out a soft sigh and stood up.

"Do what?" I looked at him, perplexed on what he's saying. He just ignored me and continued walking. I also looked at his friends to get a grip on what's going on but they also have no clue.

I gave up thinking and looked around. It's awkward around the table because I'm not close with his friends. All I know is that they all have the same passion for skating. They seem nice but I couldn't bring myself to talk to them. 

My eyes saw Daphgne and I instinctively stood up. Yuzuru's friends were startled by my actions so I apologized and sat down again. I grabbed my phone and texted her that I can't sit with her because of the deal. She's really mad about it. She told me that I'm being controlled and I have to end this sooner or later. I repeatedly apologized to her and said that I'll make it up to her next time. 

Yuzuru came back with pasta, cupcake and burger. I reached out for the burger but he spanked my hands and handed me the other one. 

"I clearly said I'm not that hungry," I whispered to myself as I forcefully took out the fork and mixed the pasta. Taking a bite, a sudden splash of pleasure waved over me. This is tasty! Maybe due to the fact that I don't usually order these because the food here except the sandwiches are overpriced. My broke self could not afford these.

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