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Chapter 9: Just on the cheek

"Let's get over it now, shall we?" I smiled at Yuzuru who is still pissed off at the guy who harassed me earlier. 

"They really have the audacity to do that in a public place. We should've reported this to the police instead of just letting them go," He drank his water in one sip, expressing his frustration.

I also thought of doing that but I guess fear and shock just controlled my thinking that time. People were starting to stare at us the moment the guard came to us. I felt afraid that I'm causing unwanted commotion for others. 

Our order came and instantly, my mouth watered. All the negative emotions suddenly washed away as I stared at our food. I immediately started to scoop portions for myself. I was about to put it on my plate when I noticed that Yuzuru's still bummed about what happened. Instead, I placed the food on his plate.

"The food will taste bad if you kept on thinking about that," I reprimanded him. He still didn't moved his food so I adjusted my seat closer to him. I started cutting his steak into tiny bits. 

"I can do that myself," He was annoyed by the tone of his voice. Yuzuru picked up his utensils and pushed me aside. He angrily sliced the meat and kept on pricking it with fork. 

"Why? I'm practicing our make-Athena-jealous act," I  smiled innocently at him. His eyes were investigating if I was telling the truth. After a while, he nodded as an approval before continuing to eat. The food was so good that I can't keep my mouth shut. It made Yuzuru irritated because people started to stare at our table. I didn't care. Praise the chef that cooked this magnificent dish. 

"So what's your game plan tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oh, this is new. You seem interested,"

"I just want out of this mess earlier so that I can go back to my normal life," I rolled my eyes at him.

"We need exposure. And since, I'm very popular, the word gets arounds quickly. We need to be seen together as much as possible, especially if Athena is around. So I'm going to pick you up and accompany you to your classes. At lunch, you're going to sit with me. I'm also going to drive you home," He explained.

As much conceited that first statement was, I can't argue with him. I'm also amused at the level of his seriousness. Well, he wouldn't go this far if he didn't love Athena. 

"That sounds exhausting," I slouched at my seat.

"Well, you agreed and signed on whatever paper that is last time," He said.

"Now that you've mentioned it, we should continue setting the rules," I took out my phone to take down everything we say.

"I'm gonna start, we're meeting at the nearest convenience store if you're going pick me up or dropping me off. Whether it's going to school or somewhere, that's our one and only meeting place," I sternly looked at Yuzuru to express that I'm serious over that matter.

"So that  you're family won't see me?" He chuckled.

"Yes. And dare break that rule, I will spill all these plan to Athena. You can kiss goodbye to that chance," I said.

"Roger that. Now my turn, you will do everything I say," He sipped from his water.

"That's not fair. I can't do everything you say. If I feel like its too much, I won't do it." I crossed my arms at him. What if he made me do ridiculous things? After this, it will forever scar my dignity.  He just agreed, getting bored.

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