06: petals

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WHEN I OPEN my eyes again, I find my cheek pressed against something cold

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WHEN I OPEN my eyes again, I find my cheek pressed against something cold.

For a moment, I have absolutely no idea where I am. Not until I see what's written on the stone in front of me.

I had fallen asleep here, I realize, glancing down at my watch. It read 05:37 AM.

My eyes sting as I blink, sitting up and looking around groggily. It must be just the brink of dawn because I can see light slowly filtering into the cemetery.

I had been resting against the cold stone slab next to my nan, with long tufts of grass tickling my feet. I was praying that there weren't any bugs on me right now, because I really didn't need another reason to cry.

A quiet sneeze leaves me as I stand up shakily, and that sneeze is followed by a small coughing fit that makes my throat burn. Since it was so quiet, despite how soft my coughs were, I felt like it was echoing through the place.

I almost groan at the realization that I was probably sick now, from spending the night here.

True to that awareness, my nose was clogged, my throat felt itchy and every part of my body felt stiff. I could feel myself shivering slightly despite the two warm jackets that were wrapped around me.

Definitely sick. How lovely.

It took me ten minutes to hurry back and sneak into my room through the window that I had left open. I doubted that anyone had noticed I was gone, and I really didn't want to face them, so I decided that it would be best if I left home early.

Apart from the occasional sneeze or cough- I knew that I was quiet enough to not wake anyone, and so, I grab a bunch of warm clothes and sidle out of my room. A few of the floorboards creak under my feet, but other than that, I manage to get to the bathroom down the hall noiselessly.

Only once I close the door behind myself and latch the door, do I finally catch a glimpse of how I looked since last night.

I cringe at the sight. I looked positively ghastly.

My hair was tied back messily, and while my eyes were swollen and bloodshot- there were also dark bags underneath them. My nose was red, and my lips were pale and chapped- a little blue, because of the cold.

The left side of my face was a whole other story.

It wasn't that bad, but all the dried blood around it freaked me out for a moment, making me wince and squeeze my eyes shut.

He would hurt me.

Surprising as it was, I still felt terrible, though a major part of me knew he was capable of it. I should have known that it wouldn't be long before he raised a hand, because he already hurt me enough emotionally. 

Some brother he was. 

Oddly enough, despite the cut on my face, and despite the slight ache that lingered in my chest- most part of me was also filled with relief.

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