11: eyelids

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THE EXCITEMENT DIED down pretty quickly after that, much to my dismay

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THE EXCITEMENT DIED down pretty quickly after that, much to my dismay.

"The recital is on Friday," Atlas told me a few moments after he had invited me, "which is tomorrow."

My face fell the moment he had said that, and he noticed it too- judging by the way his eyebrows furrowed into a questioning frown.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, my lips turning downward, "I'm not free tomorrow evening."

"Oh," though it was hardly noticeable, I didn't miss the disappointment that flashed across his face for a moment, "maybe another time?"

I nodded, albeit it was a noticeably sad nod.

"But uh, listen," I look up at him as he clears his throat, swallowing.

He doesn't say anything for the next few seconds, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Yes?" I prod gently.

"I was thinking," he begins hesitantly as he runs a hand through his dark disheveled hair,


I blink at him.

He doesn't meet my eyes, looking pointedly anywhere but me instead, as he rubs the back of his neck

"Sorry," I clear my throat, still confused as I tilt my head to the side, "Um, could you say that again?"

"I said," he says again, slower this time as he fidgets with the collar of his shirt, "We could, maybe, grab a cup of hot chocolate sometime? Since you're in charge, to discuss the music for the play, of course-"

I stare at him for about half a minute, unsure about why he seemed so jittery for asking a seemingly simple and innocent question.

That is, before I finally realize how the question was posed and exactly what that sounded like.

"Oh," my face suddenly feels hot- as I glance down at both my hands that were still holding his, "I- um, sure. Yeah, we could do that."

He nods, his eyes meeting mine only for a split second before he looks away, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Cool."

I nod, clearing my throat and pulling my hands away from his when I hear Mr. Rossi calling for me.

"Um, all the best for your recital tomorrow," I tell him softly, as I start to walk backward. "I won't miss another invitation, I promise."

He nods, his eyes still averted as his arms crossed across his chest. "Just this once, then?"

I smile before I can help it, but he doesn't see it. "Yeah. Just this once."

He nods again, a stray curl falling over his forehead as he does that- and it takes quite the effort to tear my eyes away from his side profile, to turn back around to where Mr. Rossi was.

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