17: water

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I AM SPEED, I tell myself as I zoom through the crowd

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I AM SPEED, I tell myself as I zoom through the crowd.

From somewhere behind me I can hear a voice angrily yelling my name and I have to keep my evil giggles to myself, as I duck and dodge around people.

Just as I move to turn around a corner, however, something stops me.

"Woah there, speedy," a familiar deep voice mutters as an arm snakes around my waist, making me skid to a halt, "Where are you running off to, hmm?"

I let out a panicked wheeze in response and then I hear the very pair of footsteps I was trying to avoid, right behind me.

I turn around to see Vineet, a glare on his face.

"You bitch," he pants, but he lifts a hand as a gesture for me to wait as he leans against the wall. He heaves for a good ten seconds as if he just ran a marathon.

And then, he stands straight again and lunges.

I squeal, ducking behind Atlas- because that was the only distance the strong arm around me would still permit. He goes still as I press my face into his back, my eyes screwed shut- but his grip doesn't loosen in the slightest.

After a few more seconds, I peek around him.

Vineet glares at me, but after a hesitant glance at Atlas, he steps back slightly.

"You absolute bitch," he wiggles a finger at me.

"Watch your damn tongue," Atlas says lowly, but I only giggle lightly and somewhat evilly, making him glance over his shoulder at me.

Vineet had been talking to Jade and I had been standing behind her, trying not to laugh at how jittery he was being. At some point, my expressions had made him fumble even more and he had blurted out- 'you make me nervous!'

I had actually snorted before I could help it then, and as Jade had stared between us- completely oblivious and somewhat amused- Vineet had glared at me, his cheeks flushed.

Naturally, he blamed me for the embarrassment that came with the incident- which is why he had been chasing me down the halls like a madman.

"I'm not scared of you," Vineet snips at the tall figure that I was using as a human shield, his chin up in defiance,

"Oh?" though I can't see his expression when he turns back around, from the way Vineet's confidence crumbles for a split second is enough indication of what it must be.

To his credit, he recovers pretty quickly- with a confident, slightly smug expression on his face.

"I have blackmail material."

I can feel Atlas' back tense underneath my fingertips, but other than that he shows no other indication of being affected by those words. At least no visible signs- considering I couldn't see his face or what was going on in his head.

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