Through His Eyes [2]

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{{Dedicated to @republicans because her comment on the last chapter made me smile, and because Tainted Guilt is an awesome book}}




Rhea woke up around nine o' clock with a start.  Throughout the entire night, her dreams were plagued by the silhouette of a boy, whose face was a complete blur.

It was Tuesday, and it was not only six days until the dreaded back to school day, but also six days until she would meet her soulmate.  If that wasn't too much pressure, she didn't know what was.

She thought back to the events of the previous day as she lounged in bed, soaking up the sun that seeped through the curtains.  She'd had not one but two snippets in the course of a single day, and so far the only thing she knew about her soulmate was that he liked cocoa puffs and sparkly ornaments.  This reminded her that she hadn't told Willa about last night's snippet yet.  She considered calling her, but realized that what she needed in that moment was the tightest hug possible which she knew only Willa was capable of providing.

So she picked up her phone and quickly dialed Willa's number.  She picked it up on the fourth ring and for a while all Rhea heard was shuffling of sheets, which let her know that she'd woken up her best friend.

"Why would you call me so early in the morning?" Willa whined a moment later.  No pleasantries then, Rhea thought.  Not that she'd expected any; she knew what kind of mood Willa would be in when she'd just woken up in the morning.

"It's quarter past nine," Rhea stated matter-of-factly.

"I don't see how that undermines my argument," Willa said, still moody with the haze of sleep hanging over her head.

"I am coming over to your house," Rhea said, ignoring her best friend's complaints, "You better get your ass out of the bed.  Or not.  I am coming over either way."

"Fine," Willa muttered and hung up the phone. 

Rhea brushed her hair and teeth and she could bet on her firstborn child that Willa was snuggling further into the covers with no intention of getting out of the bed right in that moment.  She threw on a sundress and a pair of sandals anyway and grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter to nibble on as she walked the ten minute distance between her house and Willa's.

When she got to Willa's house ten minutes later, she didn't bother knocking because she knew for sure Willa was home alone and she was fast asleep.  Instead she let herself in using the spare key she knew the Rosewoods kept under the doormat.  She swiftly made her way up the stairs to Willa's room and opened the door with a loud bang, but Willa didn't so much as stir at the sound.

"Wake up, you little panda," Rhea shouted in her ear, which emitted a groan from her friend as she turned to lie on her stomach and buried her face in her pillow.

Rhea grabbed the pillow from its corner and pulled it from under Willa's head, making her head fall against the mattress with a soft thud.

"Do you realize you are giving me the perfect incentive for murder?" Willa said, not lifting her face up from where it landed a second ago, thus making her voice sound muffled.

"I need to talk to you," Rhea said, "Please?"

"Don't use your puppy voice on me," Willa said between gritted teeth, but a moment later she sat up, wrapped the comforter around herself and looked expectantly at her friend.

"I had another snippet last night," Rhea declared.

"Okay," Willa said slowly, cautiously sizing her friend up, "What did you see?"

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