Through His Eyes [25]

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{{Dedicated to @kaylalxigh because her comments crack me up}}


Rhea sat up in her bed with a groan. The garbled sound that had emanated from the back of her throat had little to do with how much she'd had to drink the night before and lots and lots to do with the events of said night, which started to flash before her eyes as soon as she'd opened them.

She needed moral support and she needed it now. Blindly reaching toward her nightstand, she located her phone and scrolled through her contacts.

A twenty second long phone call and fifteen minutes later, Willa was swinging open her bedroom door without bothering to knock and letting herself in and Rhea hadn't even moved a muscle since she'd thrown her phone in the direction of her extra pillow and plopped back down on the mattress.

She sat up against the headboard as Willa silently closed the door after herself. Looking her best friend up and down for the first time, Rhea realized she was in a tight black skirt that barely reached the middle of her thighs and an oversized T-shirt bearing the Celtics' logo. It wasn't an early afternoon attire and the T-shirt clearly didn't belong to her, which could only mean one thing—Willa hadn't made it home last night.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Willa gave her a raucous smirk and said, "I snuck out of Wade's bed to come over, so this better be good, considering he gets particularly creative with his mouth in the m—"

"Please!" she practically yelled the word. "Spare my virgin ears the details."

Willa continued to smirk at her for another second, but then her expression changed into her all-business look. "So, tell me."

"Caleb and I almost kissed last night."

"What?" The shriek that left Willa's mouth was so high pitched that Rhea could almost hear it echo inside her head a couple more times. "How? Where?"

"At Last Call. Caleb was there trying to drink himself into oblivion. Xander called me for help."

"The guy has so much on his plate, he deserves to party it up for one night, why would Xander need you to babysit?"

"Because he wasn't partying." She rubbed at her temples and let out a sigh. "He and Yasmine got into another fight, apparently." When Willa opened her mouth to ask the obvious, Rhea cut her off. "Before you ask, no, they didn't break up." After that, Rhea proceeded to tell her how Caleb had told her he knew she liked him and how, if it weren't for Yasmine, he could like her too.

"Okay..." Willa said cautiously. "How does a kiss fit into all this?"

"I don't even know. We were goofing around, we both had a couple of drinks in us. Him a lot more than me. It just sort of...happened, I guess?"

"Are you sure you didn't misinterpret the situation?"

Without a single word, Rhea got on her knees and crawled towards her best friend who was sitting cross-legged on the other side of the bed. She got all up in her face and recreated the moment from last night, complete with the way Caleb's gaze had flickered to her lips and the way he'd leaned toward her.

"Okay, yeah. That was definitely a near kiss. Now get away from my face, you're making me sexually confused." They both laughed as Rhea scrambled into her old spot on the bed and sat cross-legged, her posture mirroring Willa's. "I'm not surprised that he knew you like him though. I mean, he'd have to either be blind or stupid. Even your posture changes when he's around. You sit up straighter and you tune into his every movement. I'm pretty sure at this point you could draw him in great detail from memory. If your skills went beyond stick drawings, I mean."

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