Through His Eyes [11]

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{{Dedicated to @ruleone because she is a brilliant writer and I am honored that she even thought to check this story out}}




Willa called Rhea that evening to pester her for details. It was a miracle she'd waited as long as she did, though there was no knowing what kind of hangover she was nursing, so there was that. Rhea was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling as she talked to her, like she always did.

"You and Floyd left the party in a hurry last night. Anything you want to tell me?" Rhea could hear the smirk in her friend's voice.

"Yeah, we had sex in his car in a dark alleyway," she drawled out. Willa barked out a laugh at that.

"Nice one," she said after sucking in a deep breath.  "For real, though. Where did you guys disappear to?"

"He just gave me a ride," Rhea answered.

"That's all?" Willa asked. "Didn't you guys kiss or anything?"

 "Not last night we didn't," Rhea said.

Willa let out a disappointed "Oh" at that, but then Rhea's words registered completely. "Wait, what do you mean not last night?"

"Well, today is a different story," Rhea said, taking pleasure from teasing her friend.

"Elaborate," Willa demanded curtly.

"He came over this afternoon and asked me out."

"Rhea Anabelle Myers," Willa half-shouted, making Rhea wince and move the phone away from her ear. "I can't believe you waited so long to tell me."

"Sorry," Rhea said, grinning sheepishly.

"So, when are you guys going out?"

"We— we already did?" Rhea said, afraid of facing her friend's wrath.

"WHAT?" Willa full-on shouted this time. "Tell me everything."

And tell her everything, she did. She'd never been one of those tight-lipped, secretive people. When something happened to her, no matter how insignificant, she always got the urge to tell someone. That someone usually being her best friend.

When she told her about how she kissed Floyd in the middle of a street, Willa let out a high pitched "Whoop", celebrating Rhea's confidence.

Then, she told her about how he drove her back home and kissed her once again on the porch. It was just a brief summary of the whole thing, though. She glossed over how she felt like her stomach was doing somersaults, and how Floyd wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her close. She didn't have to tell her what a good kisser she thought Floyd was, because the dreamy sigh she let out when she was done talking gave it away.

She couldn't believe how easily everything was working out for her with this whole soulmate thing, it felt as if it was too good to be true.


On Monday at school, Rhea saw Floyd even before the classes started. He was leaning against her locker when she reached it, apparently waiting for her, because she knew for a fact his locker was nowhere near hers.

He gave her a peck on the cheek in greeting, and in that instant she decided she liked him even more for respecting her boundaries. She might have kissed him in the middle of a street, but as a matter of fact, she wasn't big on PDA. Besides, they had only been on one date, so it would have been pretty premature to be making out on the school halls at eight in the morning.

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