Through His Eyes [6]

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{{Dedicated to @nightdrives because her book His Heroine is simply amazing and because she is reading this and it makes me fangirl hopelessly}}




There were no words in the world to describe how glad Rhea was that the first day of her senior year was finally over.  Throughout the entire day she was on edge, wound up like a too-tight spring, stressing over a huge, ginormous milestone in her life.  Now that it had happened –or had it?– she was feeling drained.

Her mind was a jumbled mess of questions.  How could she be certain that she'd already met her soulmate?  Maybe Floyd was just some random dude she happened to meet the same day she was to meet her soulmate.  Maybe she was supposed to meet her soulmate at the ice cream shop downtown she and Willa frequented.  But she didn't feel like ice cream, neither did she have the energy to go for ice cream.  So what exactly would happen if she turned down Willa's offer and went straight home?  God, this soulmate thing was a tricky business and it fervently called for a manual or a guide book of some sort.

At the last minute, she decided to take Willa up on her offer.

But what if her soulmate was the new mail boy that was delivering their mail just as she went up to the counter to order a Rocky Road ice cream?  Maybe they'd get to chatting and hit it off, and later she'd discover that he had been her soulmate all along.  She realized she was well on her way to going batshit crazy; making up mail boys who delivered mail at three in the fricking afternoon.

At least she knew there was one thing in the world she could always and forever rely on, even when all else failed her.  And that thing was ice cream.

She wasn't, and never had been, monogamous when it came to ice cream.  She was all for getting a taste of every single flavor out there, though there were several ones she'd sworn off of after her very first taste.  Seriously, who in the world had thought of crab ice cream and what had possessed her to try it?

Willa gave Rhea time and space to think by not saying a word through the entire ride, which was a pretty unbelievable and monumental thing in their friendship –Willa never stopped talking for so long.

They arrived at the ice cream parlor that was a five minute drive –or a fifteen minute walk– away from Rhea's house and Willa parked the car, still keeping silent, though Rhea could see it was taking a lot of effort on her part.  She was probably dying to ask her million and one more questions about Floyd.  And about her insufferable lab partner from AP Chemistry.  Well, she'd avoid the latter topic if she could.

Once properly parked, they both got out of the car and Rhea was about to say something to Willa from above her shoulder when she collided into a hard from.  Funny, she didn't remember seeing a wall or a lamp post.  But then again, the mass she'd collided into didn't feel like a wall, it was more like... flesh.  With that, the realization that she'd collided right into a guy's chest sunk in.  Well, it was either a guy, or a girl that was part of a wrestling team, because that was some solid muscle this person had there. 

A heartbeat after she realized she'd collided into a human being, a pair of hands shot up to her elbows and steadied her.  Once she gained her balance, she took a step back from the poor, unsuspecting soul she'd slammed right into.

When she finally lifted her head and tucked her hair that was obscuring her view behind her ears, she found herself staring at a familiar face. 

It turned out that the poor, unsuspecting soul she'd tried to walk through, but couldn't due to the concept of atoms and solid state, was none other than Floyd.

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