95.0: From Here

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"The cloud is free only to go with the wind. The rain is free only in falling."
― Wendell Berry

Crystal smiled at how Jason had Jack on his shoulders, "Don't drop him." Jason rolled his eyes as he put another box in her car, "I won't, don't worry." Crystal put another box into her car before closing it, "Alright, we just need to put the other stuff in the moving truck and we're good to go."

Jack cheered and she smiled at him, "Let's go see what your dad and your dumb uncles are doing." They walked back into the building and headed to the elevator, Crystal's family had been happy to hear the news that they'd bought a house. Her parents were already back home and Amy went with them, but her brothers decided to stay to help Crystal and Hotch move into their house. The house had already been done with and now it was just a matter of moving their stuff, but that was easier said than done.

"When I said call us when you move into a house, I didn't think you'd do it this early."

"Shut it Ty." Crystal responded and Tyler smiled, "I'm just teasing, do you need to move anything else?" Crystal looked around and felt a bit sad, she'd grown used to the apartment and it's memories inside it's walls. Arms wrapped around her and she leaned against Hotch's chest, "No, I think that's it. We just need to load up the moving truck and we should be good." Hotch nodded and kissed her head, "Let's head home?"


"Yeah, let's head home." Crystal answered when footsteps were heard, Nick walked from the hallway with a box and a suitcase. "Are we getting paid for this?" Crystal rolled her eyes at him, "Yes Nicky, I'll feed you before you guys leave." Nick smiled happily, "Good, now let's hurry up and get this stuff down the elevator and stairs." Hotch let her go and looked at her brothers, "Thanks for helping, I appreciate it." Jason shrugged and let Jack down from his shoulders, "You can repay us with a wedding-"


"What? It's the least you both could do, we even helped take the couch."


"Can I go home now?" Nick whined and Crystal rolled her eyes, "Do you want your payment? Then hurry up and grab more boxes dummy." Nick groaned, but got up from the couch to head back out the door. Hotch and Jason walked in with their own boxes and Crystal smiled, "Those go in the kitchen." Jason nodded and headed there, Hotch gave her a quick kiss before following after him. Jack ran into the house and she crouched down, "Hey bud, why don't you go check out your room?"


"I'll come get you when lunch is ready." Crystal promised and Jack smiled before running off, Tyler walked in next and put the box on the ground. "This should be the last of it, everything else is good?" Crystal nodded and opened the box, "The hardest things were just the mattresses and couch, everything else is simple things or can be put in the garage." Nick walked back in with the last box and smiled, "When can we eat?"

"Do you really just think about food?"

"Yes." Nick answered honestly and she laughed, "Okay Mr. Surgeon, let's head to the kitchen and cook something up." Crystal headed to the kitchen and Hotch was putting the dishes in the cupboards with Jason, she smiled over at him. "Ready for lunch?"

"Depends, will we have ice cream?" Hotch asked and she shrugged, "Maybe, depends if it's still frozen or not." Crystal opened the fridge and looked around, she took out some ingredients and Jason yawned. "Do you want help or can I take a nap?" Crystal turned to look at him, "You're a terrible cook."

"The couch it is then." Jason replied before heading out, Tyler and Nick followed after while Hotch hugged her from behind. "I'll stay and help." Crystal smiled and leaned her head back to stare up at him, "It's fine Aaron, go rest up while I cook up something for us and the three stooges."

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt