37.0: Eat My Heart Out

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A/N: The picture is Crystal's outfit for the party she attended with Tyler~

"Anyone who knows me, should learn to know me again;
For I am like the Moon, you will see me with new face everyday."
― Rumi

Crystal put the finishing touches on her outfit just in time, she heard knocking at her door. "Coming!" She smiled when she opened the door, "Hey Ty, you look decent." Tyler smiled at her, "Thanks, you look decent too." 

Tyler had his hair slicked to the side and was wearing a black suit with a bowtie, "Ready to head out?"

"Yeah, my car or yours?"

"Obviously yours Chris, I need to save gas." Crystal nudged her brother as he laughed, Crystal threw him the keys. "You drive then." Tyler hummed, when they reached the ground floor they headed to Crystal's car. Crystal took a deep breath, she was starting to get nervous.

Tyler looked over at her, "You don't have to do this Chris, you can still back out and I'll be okay with it. I know this was a lot to ask of you." Tyler gave her a reassuring smile and Crystal shook her head, "I wanna do this Ty, I know I can do this. He was apart of my life, but he's in the past. My decisions shouldn't be dictated by him anymore, and that means my insecurities too."

Tyler smiled at her before sighing, they both entered the car and Tyler looked over at Crystal. "I still wanna break his nose, just one punch."

"You slashed his tires Ty, I could've arrested you."

"Could've." Tyler smiled at her before starting up the car, Crystal relaxed.

I can do this, it's one night.


Crystal stayed next to Tyler the whole time, she wasn't nervous anymore about her insecurities which made her proud. It had been only about an hour and Crystal tried to hide her amusement as the older woman they had bumped into was trying to show her pictures of her grandson, "He's so handsome, right? You should take his number, he'd be great for you and he's only 25."

"Thank you, but I'll have to decline. I'm not looking for anything at the moment, it was nice meeting you." Crystal gave her a polite smile and the older woman cooed, "What a shame, you let me know if you change you mind."

Tyler couldn't hide his amusement as he watched the older woman walk away, "What is that? 5 now?"

"If we combine your offers then we'll have 9 altogether." Crystal stated as she took a drink from one of the waiters passing by, Tyler chuckled and shook his head. "Well, at least mom isn't here taking up their offers."

Crystal nodded as she sipped her drink, "I can't believe this party announces who you come with, that's a first."

"It's so there's no misunderstandings, an old guy comes in with a young girl or guy and people assume that they're sleeping together. Trust me when I say it's better this way, imagine if people didn't know you were my sister." Tyler cringed and Crystal did too, "Yeah, you're right that's weird."

They continued walking around the party meeting people who knew Tyler, they would receive offers for dancing or phone numbers which they denied. Crystal sighed, "Reminds me why I don't like parties."

"You and me both, but I'm glad you came with me. Jason would've started to try and find his own entertainment and Nick would've left, that's why I invited you." Tyler smiled at her and she returned it, "Anytime Ty, when do we meet your boss?"

"Potential boss and soon, we're heading over right now. I heard the company name called a little while ago, but I'm trying to calm my nerves." Tyler tensed a bit and Crystal gently hooked their arms. "You got this Ty, you've worked hard for this." 

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