18.0: Denied Feelings

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A/N: Last part of The Fight 5x18, this case was a little rushed and not the best (sorry) I hope you still enjoyed it! It was a bit hard to follow the story from the team's perspective, so I hope you enjoy the parts I added!

ALSO: Realized that I had a typo for Mick Rawson! I put Mike instead of Mick, this chapter has it fixed and I'll add a comment on the previous chapter to make it known!

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't."

― Steve Maraboli 

Crystal stood under a street light, she looked across the street to the right and saw Prentiss. Crystal then looked up on a building to see Rawson there setting up, she suddenly heard him talking through her ear piece.

"So, what're you wearing?"

Emily rolled her eyes as she smiled, "A gun." Crystal bit her lip to stop her from laughing, she gave Emily an amused look.

"You're no fun love, what about you Archer?"

Emily responded again, "She's taken Rawson and she's wearing a gun as well." Crystal gave Prentiss a confused look while Prentiss just shrugged at her.

I'm taken?

"Always the pretty one's taken, good thing you're gorgeous Prentiss."

Crystal gave a small laugh as she turned to look down the street, as much as she loved to hear Emily and Mick play cat and mouse with their flirting they had an unsub to catch. "See anything up their Agent Rawson?"

"Well I have a great view of Prentiss-"

"Relevant to the case Agent Rawson." Crystal looked over at Emily who was avoiding eye contact with her.

I was right, very interesting.

"Nothing suspicious, all his victims are coming from this four-block radius on your side Archer."

Crystal turned to her left as she watched people pass her, she stood close to the wall to not draw any attention towards her. They continued to look for the unsub for awhile before Mick radioed them again through their ear pieces.

"Think I've got something, not sure if it's him. There's a man southeast corner clocking a junkie."

Crystal and Emily looked towards the direction he stated, but his description didn't help them pinpoint who he was talking about. "Care to expand on that Rawson? All we see are junkies with guys clocking them." 

"Grey shirt, ball cap."

Crystal kept looking when she heard Emily, "Got him, follow me Archer." 

"Right behind."

"I'm on my way."

Crystal and Emily walked to follow the man, "Rawson he's heading southbound," The man must have heard them since he looked back at them before making a run for it. "FBI! Stop!" Crystal and Emily chased him down the street and into traffic, he was trying to lose them. As they chased him a car almost hit Emily until Crystal pulled her back and around the car instead, "There, now I don't owe you one."

Crystal winked at her as they continued to chase after the man, they followed him into an alley before Emily caught up to him and pushed him into a wall. Crystal raised her weapon on him as Mick joined them, "FBI, show me your hands."

The man raised his hands as he looked at them scared, "I didn't do anything!" Emily narrowed her eyes at him, "Why were you following that man?"

"I- I needed a fix, he was holding."

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