114.0: Baby Showers Bring Case Files

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A/N: This chapter is based on 8x16 Carbon Copy


"It changes you for ever, but you are changing for ever anyway."
― Margaret Mahy

Crystal laughed as she put on the 'mother-to-be' sash that Garcia draped over her, "Is this really necessary?" Garcia clapped her hands happily, "Yes! It's time for the baby reveal!" Crystal rubbed her small bump that had finally formed, she was 4 and a half months pregnant now. She was 15 weeks now, and the baby was now the size of an apple. They were having the baby shower at their house, and it had taken them longer to plan it than they thought. Cases got in the way, and so did Crystal's health. The pregnancy tired her out, and new symptoms made it hard for her to adapt. She got dizzy easier now, and out of breath quickly. Hotch wanted to be cautious, and she wanted that too since this was her first time being pregnant. Nick assured her that this was normal and that nothing was wrong, but he called to check up on her when she was away on cases.

She was feeling a lot better now though even with the symptoms still there, but she was just happy that Apple was growing fine. They had gotten an ultrasound photo of Apple more defined and she had it framed in their room, their baby was still so tiny and precious. Garcia and Nick had thought it'd be funny to have the baby shower with an apple theme, and Hotch just laughed when she told him. "I think it'd be cute, and don't you love apples?"

"I hate you." She told him, but smiled at him resting his head against her stomach bump. He had gotten into reading to her baby bump even if their baby can't hear yet, but he told her it was so he could find the best stories again. "There are new ones out there, I'd like to find unique ones for Jack too." He reasoned and she let him be since Jack was excitedly coming home from school to show her the books he'd want to read to Apple. Hotch helped fix the sash on her, and Jason snorted. "Did you guys really paint an apple blue or pink?" Nick stuck his tongue out at him, "Just say you're jealous that I'm the favorite uncle."

That got a stuffed animal thrown at him, but their mom stopped them. The gifts had just been given and were on display on the table. Her parents had gotten them a nice crib, her grandpa got her a photobook and a camera, Nick had gotten her some story books, Tyler got her some stuffed animals and toys for the baby, Jason got her some blankets with hand-drawn designs from Amy (that were appropriate for once), JJ got her some baby clothes and a pregnancy pillow, Rossi got them a stroller that looked more complicated than needed, Morgan gave her some 'Morgan Sitting' coupons that could be traded in at any time for him to watch the kids for a night, Garcia got her a personal programed baby monitor, Blake got her some picture frames designated for 'My First ___' for their baby, and Reid got her a poetry book.

"My mom used to read me Valentines poems, I enjoyed them, so I thought you might too." He reasoned and she teared up at his gift, "I love it, Doc. Thank you." Emily had sent her love over the phone, and she had bought some things for her that would be delivered some time soon through the mail. She felt so loved, and she hoped her baby could feel it too. Reid smiled happily at the box filled with pink and blue confetti, the box was painted with the BAU logo that said 'Girl or Boy? Profilers go!'. It was cute, and he touched the box. "Have you guys thought of names?" Rossi chuckled as he ruffled Jack's hair, "Or any guesses on the baby gender?" Tyler grabbed another cupcake from the snacks that had been prepared, "I've got ten bucks on girl."

"A hundred." Jason pointed at him, "Boy, I can feel it." Amy rolled her eyes, "Yeah? Where?" Morgan laughed at this and Crystal gave her a look, Amy smiled at her innocently. "Love you! I can't wait for you to be my maid of honor, well after you're done giving birth." Amy and Jason were holding off on their wedding until after Amy graduated, she picked up extra classes at a University and he supported her. Pops placed a hand on Crystal's stomach, "What did you want?" JJ smiled as she folded some of the baby clothes gifted from them, she sat next to Will and Henry was eating some chocolate apples. "The bet at the BAU favors boy, you've got three brothers and Hotchners are known for boys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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