chef pee pee & bowser

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chef pee pee ran upstairs to tell bowser what jr did

chef pee pee: BOWSER! 

bowser: SHUT UP CHEF PEE PEE! i don't wanna hear it!

chef pee pee: but bowser..!

bowser: ... unless

chef pee pee: unless what?

bowser: unless you lay down some sick beat, it'll be a real treat, i hope your picking up what i'm laying down, if not you gonna give me and awfully big frown!

chef pee pee: alright bowser i see where your going, i came to talk about jr, damn he's annoying, he came in the kitchen to ruin my day, i told him to leave but he won't go away!

bowser: my son ain't a blessing, nah he's the worst, but what did he do to you, my son is a curse!

chef pee pee: he insulted my mother, and it made me real mad, i gave it all back then he got a frown, then something real bad was about to go down!

bowser: is that what happened, cause it doesn't sound great, tell me the rest and i might give you a break 

chef pee pee: he took my best pan, hit me in the head, i got mad and screamed at him, now i'm bleeding, did you hear what i said!

bowser: my son really sucks, he won't get a treat, instead i'll get my belt, and his ass will be beat 

chef pee pee: by the way yo momma so short, she a sussy imposter! 

bowser: shut up chef pee pee or i'll put you in a blender 

bowser ran down the stairs with his belt to beat the shit out of his son and it was funny

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