JR, joseph, & cody

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jr called joseph and added him to the call

joseph: hello dude? 

jr: tell cody my yo momma jokes are funny

joseph: um ok? cody jr's yo momma jokes are funny

cody: oh yeah like that's fair! at least have him tell a joke

joseph: whatever dude, jr tell me a joke

jr: ok, yo momma so ugly she scared a cat! 

joseph: ... really dude? 

jr: that was a funny joke! 

joseph: dude that sucked ass 

jr: well fine, yo momma so dead that she'll never come back no matter how hard you wish! 

jr was angry that joseph didn't like his joke and hung up

cody: did jr just hang up?

joseph: ...

cody: you good?

joseph: it's just, ever since my mom died it's been tough. she was always there for me, got me food, water and everything else i ever needed. now she's gone and she's never coming back... living in a house with no AC, running water, non-expired food.. it's hard. i miss my mom dude, it's hard to live life without her. i think about her everyday and how good she was to me, she was the best mommy ever. yet.. i think wonder if her death was my fault, or maybe it was just an accident or something natural.. but man. i feel like i was responsible, like i'm to blame. i did something i couldn't control, blinded by rage and my own eyelids. i can't tell fiction from reality anymore and i think i'm starting to go insane. going days or weeks without food, having to sleep outside. it's a lot and it never gets any better, i'm losing my grasp on the real world and i don't know how much longer i can put up with this anymore. one day i'm going to snap and theres nothing i can do about it, i'm sorry mom. i know you would never want this for me, but this is a hole i've dug myself into and i'm not getting out...

cody: it's ok joseph i'm here for you..

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