Chapter 19

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When our march arrived to the channel, the sun had vanished. The warmth it had shown over us for the first ten miles or so was gone and now replaced by a cold breeze and clouds. Call it coincidence as you may, but I’ve seen this weather before. I am one to be superstitious of many things and this kind of weather was one of many. You know what, no. I’m not going to think negatively. It is better to –

“Your majesty,” said McCormick, making me draw my hard gaze from the large map on the tent floor to meet his gaze along with those of my and Francis’ war admirals. Their looks were not saying “hurry up woman” but looks that said “what is the strategy you have decided?”

Rising up from my crouching position, my eyes happened to look over Francis who waited for my decision as well. Giving him a small glare I turned to look upon the admirals.

“It is clear that Darien and his company are armed, and well-armed. He knows the channel, but not as well as I. There is a cove that we can reach by going down the cliff. It will give us an advantage over Darien –“

“How so, Queen Eleanor,” said Francis, making all eyes shift to him, “your brother has the entire channel infiltrated by his ships so tell me why this cove will be on any help, woman!”

I swear if I were to see steam coming from his ears now at this moment I would. My eyes were wide in shock at his outburst, and the entire group of admirals were just as bewildered. Having had changed from my armor and into a dress of black and purple, I fisted a bit of the skirt in my hand as I tried to keep my own temper under control.

“That is true, King Francis I am a woman,” I replied with a smile, getting a few laughs from my admirals, “but I think that it is a shame you had to interrupt me before I even reached the best part. The cove will gives us access to Darien’s blind spot. It will be very easy to take him out but we will attack overhead from the cliffs to create a diversion. Gentlemen, if there is nothing else to discuss here then this meeting is adjourned.”

The men nodded in agreement and began to leave the tent. As they filed out I turned to walk over to a temporary desk set up for me. My eyes were fixed upon the papers is disarray over the desk that I had not noticed a presence behind me.

“I needed to speak to you, in private,” said Francis, his voice quiet against my ear. You’ve got to be kidding me. Is this man serious?

“Francis,” I sighed, turning around only to find that he had me almost pinned against the desk. Great, just great. I opened my mouth to let out a great snarky remark but he brought up his knuckles to brush them against my cheek. He had me in a trance as I nearly closed my eyes at how soothing the contact was. But he opened his mouth and that sweet moment was gone.

“You are always so tense my love –“

“- my love? You have no right to call me ‘my love!’” I shouted, pushing past him to create a distance between us. “We are not in love. We never were! You are a womanizer, King Francis, there is no denying it. My heart,” I said, pointing to the left side of my chest, “has been guarded in its own little castle with the draw bridged raised up. I nearly let that draw bridge down for you, but you were going to come in with a sword ready to swing! I know what love is, King Francis. It may not be love between a man and woman but I think love comes in many different shapes and forms. I learned from my relationship with my father that love is a two way relationship. Love requires learning, devotion, some pain, and trust. You only have the pain part, to be honest with you. You only know how to pleasure a woman, not love her! I am not your love, Francis. I was just a near victory to add to all your other conquests.”

Something wet was rolling down my cheeks. Tears. I quickly wiped them away as I stared back at a Francis who was without words.

“If there is one thing you love, Eleanor, it is your kingdom. But are you going to put down your life for this war?”

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